The only valid copy of this module is on - any others are not valid.
If you fork and change any code, please let me know, if it's useful for the general public, I'd love to add it!
If you find this module useful, and would like to contribute to the project, I appreciate the thought. Instead of giving to me, please donate to L'Arche Tahoma Hope at - in honor of Nancy Tyson. (Dedicate my donation checkbox). Nancy means the world to me. You don't have to notify me you have done so.
THANK YOU for your consideration.
If you like this project, or any other project I have done, please consider donating to L'Arche Tahoma Hope, a 501(c) org, at
If you'd like, make a note in honor of Nancy Tyson. Thank you.
This is a module for the MagicMirror project.
It's purpose is to move modules to not be hidden behind external modules. An example of use would be to move a module down to allow OMXPLayer to run on top of the MagicMirror Screen.
Clone this repository in your ~/MagicMirror/modules/ folder ( $ cd ~MagicMirror/modules/ ):
git clone
Go to the module's folder inside MagicMirror modules folder and pull the latest version from GitHub:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Block
git pull
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file next to the module you'd like to move (Above the module if you want to move a module DOWN, below the module if you wanna move the module UP)
module: 'MMM-Block',
position: "top_right",
config: {
height: 600,
The only config option is "height" - as seen above. Set it to the pixels (px) you'd like to move an item.