This is a basic Flask app on which to build the different web-based modules for Bonsai.
We foresee four inter-related applications:
- a web application that handles interactions with users (requests for graphs, sessions, login, etc.)
- a REST API that serves both the web application and direct REST requests on one side, and queries the graph DB on the other side,
- a module that receive the whole graph database at server start, converts it into a two dimensional matrix and cache it for ulterior requests,
- and a module that calculates LCA results upon requests from the REST API.
We do not yet have a working DB to receive triplestore queries from. However, we can use a dummy one in the meanwhile.
Clone the repository
git clone
Create a virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
Or on Windows cmd
py -3 -m venv venv
pip install -e .
Or if you are using the master branch, install Flask from source before installing bonsai_web_api
pip install -e ../..
pip install -e .
The application can be run as a doker container. Build the image first with:
docker build -t bonsai_web_api .
and then run it with:
docker run --rm -it --name bonsai_web_api -p 5000:5000 bonsai_web_api:latest
Set the environment variables
export FLASK_APP=bonsai_web_api
export FLASK_ENV=development
Initalize the databases if first use
flask init-db
Run local server
flask run
Or on Windows cmd
set FLASK_APP=bonsai_web_api
set FLASK_ENV=development
flask init-db
flask run
Open in a browser.
pip install '.[test]'
pytest -v
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report
coverage html # open htmlcov/index.html in a browser