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Benedikt S. Vogler edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 8 revisions

In computer graphics several coordinate systems are used, called spaces. Here the conventions Wurfel Engine uses are presented in sorted order.

Model Space

Not really used in Wurfel Engine

Game Space

Internal game coordinates with independent X, Y and Z. Coordinate system origin at game world origin.

y axis faces down

The classes Point and Coordinate work in this space.

View Space

Isometric projection of the camera is applied: Y and Z are projected on a shared axis Y and Y is shortened by factor of 0.5. Coordinate system origin at game world origin. Usually in game engines the view space lays in the origin of the camera. In WE this happens in projection space.

y axis faces up

Projection Space

When camera is applied. Zoom/scaling gets applied. Coordinate origin is at camera center.

y axis faces up

Screen Space

The stuff on the screen. Coordinate origin bottom left of window.

y axis faces up

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