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Phillweston edited this page May 6, 2024 · 1 revision

Test Scripts for Lotso-Twitter-Auth

  • Last Modified: 2024-05-06
  • Author: Phill Weston

Table of Contents

Airdrop Distribution and Promotion Code Logging

For testing purposes, we provide two scripts: and The first script updates specific records in a MySQL database based on user input, while the second script allows for the insertion or deletion of records in a specific table. Both scripts are designed to be run directly from the terminal.

Delete Airdrop Record

This script is used to interact with a MySQL database to update records in a specific table. The script prompts the user for an address. It then deletes the record with the specified address from the table if this record exists.

Run the script in a terminal:


You will be prompted to enter the MySQL root password if it's not set as an environment variable. Then, you will be asked to enter the address to delete the record in the 'airdrop_items' table.

Add Whitelist for Address

This script is used to interact with a MySQL database to either insert or delete records in a specific table. The script prompts the user for an address and an action (either "update" or "delete"). If the user enters "update", the script inserts a new record into the table with the specified address. If the user enters "delete", the script deletes the record with the specified address from the table.

Run the script in a terminal:


You will be prompted to enter the MySQL root password if it's not set as an environment variable. Then, you will be asked to enter the address to update and the action to perform (either "update" or "delete").

Change Distribution Time

This script is used to interact with a MySQL database to update records in a specific table. The script prompts the user for an address and a new distribution time interval based on the current UTC. It then updates the record with the specified address in the table with the new distribution time.

Run the script in a terminal:


You will be prompted to enter the MySQL root password if it's not set as an environment variable. Then, you will be asked to enter the address to update and the new distribution time interval in minutes for scheduled delivery (positive for the future, negative for the past).