Better than Wolves CE v2.1.2
- Added an accessibility option to the config to change the intensity of (or completely disable) the nausea effect from all sources. (Hiracho)
- Removed the millstone-specific accessibility option as it is replaced by the more general version above. Note that you will need to set the config again to disable nausea if you previously had this option set. (Hiracho)
- Updated the Turkish translation. (efe the physis)
- Updated the Chinese translation. (Pot_tx)
- Updated the German translation. (Sockthing)
- Changed the colors in the names of various items to be localized. (Pot_tx)
- Changed sinew to require two meat instead of one, only be able to be made with beef or wolf chops, and require working afterwards as well. Sinew was never intended to be a cheap alternative to string, and was instead meant only as a solution to running completely out of string. The initial design missed that mark significantly, se these changes are intended to bring it more in line with the original intention.
- Changed hardcore spawn to not respawn the player in rivers to prevent cases where players were still able to respawn in jungles by spawning in rivers inside of one. (Hiracho)
- Changed soul urns to no longer be directly used on nether plants to fertilize it, and instead will attempt to fertilize nearby blocks when thrown. This was done primarily to fix an issue where you could end up doing both if you had multiple souls urns in your hand and end up wasting them. (Hiracho)
- Changed soul urns to be more dangerous when thrown without a valid target. (Hiracho)
- Removed the ability to select vanilla's hardcore mode when creating a new world or server. Hardcore mode directly conflicts with a lot of BTW's design, is not an intended method of play, and leads to lots of players unintentionally having a worse experience. A config option exists to re-enable it, for those who know exactly what they are doing and the ramifications that enabling hardcore mode has.
- Fixed an issue where villagers could attempt to populate their trade list with a trade they already had, leading to them missing a trade from their list.
- Fixed an issue where ovens that spawned in villages were non-functional. (Hiracho)
- Fixed an issue where dying in a different dimension to your bound soulforged steel beacon would not respawn you at the beacon. (Hiracho)
- Fixed an issue where the message for items being destroyed on subsequent deaths did not respect the number of deaths require to destroy items, determined by the current difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash when generating villages. (Arminias)
- Fixed an issue where the player's position was calculated incorrectly while in a bed. (Arminias)
- Fixed an issue where the client would crash when attempting to connect to a multiplayer server without first opening a singleplayer world. (Arminias)
- Fixed several issues in multiplayer caused by desync due to time being sped up while in a bed. (Arminias)