Node/TypeScript re-implementation of the Ayamel Resource Library API.
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate into the repository.
- Run
npm i && npm run build
- Run
node bin --port {server port} --uri {database URI} --db {database name}
GET /api/v1/docs
Should return documentation, actually just returns 'Hello World'.
All other API reponses are wrapped in a top-level JSON object containing a status
field which mirrors the HTTP response status.
GET /api/v1/resources
Returns an array of valid resource IDs under the key ids
GET /api/v1/resources/search
Not Implemented
GET /api/v1/resources/scan
Not Implemented
POST /api/v1/resources
Creates a new resource with the JSON document sent in the POST body.
Returns the id of the new resource under the key id
PUT /api/v1/resources/:id
Not Implemented
GET /api/v1/resources/:id
Returns the resource with the given ID under the key resource
DELETE /api/v1/resources/:id
Removes the resource with the given ID if it exists.
GET /api/v1/relations
Returns an array of valid relation IDs under the key ids
POST /api/v1/relations
Creates a new relation with the JSON document sent in the POST body.
Returns the id of the new relation under the key id
GET /api/v1/relations/:id
Returns the relation with the given ID under the key relation
DELETE /api/v1/relations/:id
Removes the relation with the given ID if it exists.