Widgets and functions that are useful for web-based editing applications.
Initialize: var stack = new EditorWidgets.CommandStack();
push(obj) - Takes an object with the following fields:
- undo - a function to execute to undo an action
- redo - a function to execute to redo an action
- context - the
binding for the undo and redo functions
and adds it to the undo stack and clears the redo stack.
undo() - Pops the last command object off the undo stack, executes its undo function, and adds it to the redo stack.
redo() - Pops the last command off the redo stack, executes its redo function, and adds it to the undo stack.
##Save(files, target, [success, [error]])
- files: a list of objects with the following fields:
- collection - the name of the collection of files this file belongs to, if any
- name - the name of this file
- mime - the mime type for the file
- data - the actual file contents
- target: the url to upload files to, or 'file' for a local save
- success(responseText): a callback function for HTTP success response codes; ignored for local saves
- error(responseText): a callback function for HTTP error response codes; ignored for local saves