- This repository is a proposal for a room-booking app, allowing users to consult availability and reserve rooms. It was created for showcase to McGill administrators.
- Summary of set up
Setup a virtualenv with python 3 (I used python3.4).
On windows (10 at least), installing virtualenv
c:\python34\python -m pip install virtualenv
Creating a virtualenv
c:\python34\python -m virtualenv <virtual_env_dir>
using the virtualenv
On linux Creating a virtualenv
virtualenv --python=python3.4 .virtualenv/"my custom name"
using the virtualenv
source .virtualenv/"my custom name"/bin/activate
- Configuration
- Dependencies
Go into the repo and pip install django and numpy
- Database configuration run
python manage.py migrate
- How to write commands to test your code Go into the folder "room_booking/room_display/management/commands/" Then create a ".py" file in which you run some code (like create an object and call its methods). You can execute that by typing :
python manage.py your_code_file_name_without_extension
- Deployment instructions
- Writing tests
write tests in the room_booking/room_display/test.py file, to run them type
python manage.py test room_display
- Code review
- Other guidelines
- Repo owner or admin : pfduc@physics.mcgill.ca
- Other community or team contact