BaconLiquibase is an aggregator for Liquibase change sets. It will collect change sets from all your modules which supply them and create a master XML file, which you can then run through Liquibase as usual.
To use the module, add it to your application config. After that you must add a method called "getLiquibasePath()" in the "Module.php" of every module which supplies Liquibase updates. A simple example follows:
namespace AwesomeModule;
class Module
public function getLiquibasePath()
return __DIR__ '/db/master.xml';
As we are working with absolute paths here and Liquibase uses the full path to identify each change set, you have to tell it a logical file path within all of your change set files:
In this case, we are making a filename up from the module name and the actual filename.
Before running Liquibase, you now have to create the aggregated file. To do this, simply make the following call:
php public/index.php bacon liquibase aggregate /path/to/output.xml