Releases: BaguettePHP/TetoSQL
Releases · BaguettePHP/TetoSQL
Fix @int[] type to accept 0
Fixed #19
Fix PgIdentifier::escape()
Merge pull request #18 from BaguettePHP/feature/pgescape-identifier Fix PgIdentifier::escape()
Fix use TRUE/FALSE instead of true/false as boolean literal
Merge pull request #17 from BaguettePHP/fix/pgsql-bool-literal Fix use TRUE/FALSE instead of true/false as boolean literal
Add bool type to PgIdentifier
Merge pull request #16 from BaguettePHP/feature/support-pgsql-bool Add @bool type for PgIdentifier
Add TypeInterface and PgIdentifier
Merge pull request #15 from BaguettePHP/feature/type-interface Add TypeInterface for escape to non-standard values
Fix compatible to E_STRICT in PHP 5.x
Merge pull request #14 from BaguettePHP/feature/callback-processor Impl CallbackProcessor
The syntax and functionality of each has been reconfigured as ProcessorInterface
and ReplacerInterface
This allows you to build a DSL for SQL templating at will.
The syntax bundled with TetoSQL from this version are %if :var ... %endif
and %for ... %endfor
Support PHP 5.4 to 8.1
Accept 0 as @int
#4- The document mentioned
as-9223372036854775808 <= n <=9223372036854775807
was not accepted. - Thank you @moesuke-moekan!
- The document mentioned
- Introduced PHPUnit 7.5 and enabled testing on PHP 7.1 and above #3