The native int type in C++ cannot store large integers of more than 10 decimal digits. In this assignment, you will implement a GrandInt class that behaves like the int type, but can handle unsigned integers of up to 60 digits (or more).
You are to build a class named GrandInt that can deal with up to 60 decimal digits of unsigned integers. The GrandInt class is specified as follows.
The GrandInt class should have a string as a private member containing the digits of the number as characters e.g “1000001”. Note that string have no limits on length so it can contain number of any size;
The class should have the following constructor GrandInt(int n)// should convert n int to a string and store it GrandInt(string s)//should directly equate it to passed string GrandInt(const GrandInt&a)//copy constructor
To make bigint behave like int, you must overload the following operators: a) The extraction operator >> for reading a GrandInt number from an input stream. The input number can have up to 60 digits. Following are two legitimate bigint numbers that can appear as input: “10000000000001” and “99999999999999999” b) The insertion operation << for output a GrandInt number to an output stream. The number must be output like a regular int number with the first digit being a non- zero.
c) 2 arithmetic operators + and – (*, and / are omitted for this type to simplify the program). d) 6 comparison operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, and !=.