This is Di Bai(1400012861)’s NLP midterm homework. The code is in file src. The test results are in file test.
#run this project If you want to run this project, just import it in an IDE,build it and run it. if you want to run the unstructured perceptron, make sure you comment out ‘runAverage(trainName, testName, myAnswerName);’. If you want to run average perceptron, make sure you comment out ‘run(trainName, testName, myAnswerName);’. If you want to have more or less loops, change the variable LOOP in main.
#test this project You can test this project using the perl script in file test. The results of unstructured perceptron will be in myanswer.txt. The results of average perceptron will be in myanswerAverage.txt. By using perl script, you will get an ut8 file under directory test. You can read my previous results in test/myscore and test/myresult.
#new trial If you want to test my new trial.make sure you comment out the original code which is explained in my comment.