use Bailador;
get '/' => sub {
"Hello World";
Bailador is a light-weight route-based web application framework for Perl 6. Talk to the developers at
Once you have Rakudo Star installed open a terminal (or command line on Windows) and type:
$ zef update
$ zef install Bailador
This should download and install Bailador.
You can test your installation, and see what is your Bailador installed version with the following command:
$ bailador version
NB: If you are using Rakudobrew you may need to run the following command to make bailador
available in your terminal:
$ rakudobrew rehash
At the command prompt, create a new Bailador application:
$ bailador new App-Name
Then, change directory to App-Name
and start the web server:
$ bailador watch bin/app.pl6
That's it! Using a browser, go to http://localhost:3000. Isn't it wonderful?
You can now edit the files and Bailador reloads the application while you're developing.
If you want to learn more about Bailador, please visit our documentation.
For more examples, please see the examples folder.
You can find a list of Bailador resources (articles, posts, talks, books, ...) here.
- serving
- used to serve but currently not in use
We encourage you to contribute to Bailador! If you'd like to do that, see first the CONTRIBUTING document.
Bailador is released under the MIT License.