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This is a repository related to OpenCV-C++ Course that I learned from

Chapter List

  1. Chapter 1 - (Loading Image/Video):

    • In this chapter, I learned how to read & display images/videos from a source file & using a web camera.
  2. Chapter 2 - (Image Processing):

    • Concept covered: Color conversion, blurring an image, Edge Detection, Dilation & Erosion
  3. Chapter 3 - (Resize & Crop):

    • Resized the image using width, height & fixed ratio
    • Cropped image using ROI(Region of Interest)
  4. Chapter 4 - (Drawing Shapes & Text):

    • Created a logo using circles, rectangles, lines & text.
  5. Chapter 5 - (Warp Perspective):

    • Step1: Define source & destination points
    • Step2: Get Perspective Transformation matrix
    • Step3: Apply Warp Perspective
    • Step4: Plot points on the original image to show the selected points
    • Step5: Display the Original Image, Wrapped Images
  6. Chapter 6 - (Color Detection):

    • detected colors using HSV Thresholding method
    • created trackbars to play with the different HSV values
  7. Chapter 7 - (Contour Detection & Shape Detection):

    • Step 1: Preprocessing(binary image): BGR2GRAY, Gaussian Blur, Canny Edge Detection, Dilation
    • Step 2: Find the contours using findContours() in binary Image
    • Step 3: Add threshold condition to get contour if the size of the contour is matched
    • Step 4: Calculate perimeter using arclenth() & approximate the contour with polygon
    • Step 5: Calculate the bounding rectangle for the polygon & determine the no. of corners of a polygon
    • Step 6: Classify the shape based on no. of corners & check the aspect ratio in order to differentiate between square & rectangle
    • Step 7: Draw the contour and bounding rectangle on the original image
  8. Chapter 8 - (Face Detection):

    • Load the image & pre-trained haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml model
    • use the detectMultiScale method of CascadeClassifier to detect faces
    • draw the rectangle on the detected faces


This repository is related to OpenCV-C++ Course that I learned from





