- (ML) M2297G2522 - Rama Tri Agung - UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
- (ML) M2007F0755 - Brylian Fandhi Safsalta - Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
- (ML) M2007F0765 - Achmad Naila Muna Ramadhani - Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
- (MD) A2306F2629 - Abraham Pardomuan Naiborhu - President University
- (MD) A2007F0748 - Nanang Febrianto - Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
- (CC) C7297F2544 - Shazi Awaludin - UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
- Project Plan (A2007F0748 - Nanang Febrianto, A2306F2629 - Abraham Pardomuan Naiborhu, C7297F2544 - Shazi Awaludin, M2007F0755 - Brylian Fandhi Safsalta, M2297G2522 - Rama Tri Agung, M2007F0765 - Achmad Naila Muna Ramadhani )
- UI/UX (A2306F2629 - Abraham Pardomuan Naiborhu, A2007F0748 - Nanang Febrianto)
- Build Machine Learning Model (M2007F0765 - Achmad Naila Muna Ramadhani, M2007F0755 - Brylian Fandhi Safsalta, M2297G2522 - Rama Tri Agung)
- Android Apps Development (A2306F2629 - Abraham Pardomuan Naiborhu, A2007F0748 - Nanang Febrianto)
- Deployment Application (C7297F2544 - Shazi Awaludin)
This MD project is our final project for Google Bangkit Academy 2022.
Machine Learning: Tanamin Machine Learning Apps Developments
Cloud: Tanamin Cloud Service
Project Background:
Rice and cassava are staple foods for all Indonesian people. Planting these plants takes a long time to be harvested, so special attention needs to be paid to these plants so as not to contract the disease and the occurrence of crop failure or quality degradation. To prevent this requires the ability of humans to select and treat plant diseases. However, manual checking takes a lot of time and effort and requires a lot of human resources.
Based on these problems, can be prevented by providing technological solutions, namely building machine learning applications that can detect diseases of rice and cassava plants. The solution aims to assist farmers in increasing the efficiency of checking for the disease to prevent crop failures and improve society's welfare.
Android: Tanamin app is used to interact with users in predicting Paddy leave diseases, Cassava leave diseases, Tomato leave diseaes, and predicting vegetables (after registering or logging in). the Users interaction are by inputting images (from gallery or CameraX) that will be sent to the cloud (and the result will be returend by using Retrofit). This apllication will also be able to share the history data.
- Cassava Leave Prediction
- Paddy Leave Prediction
- Tomato Leave Prediction
- Vegetable Classification
- Welcoming Activity
- Login
- Register
- Bottom Navigation
- News Feature
- Tomato leave diseases Feature
- Paddy leave diseases Feature
- Cassava leave diseases Feature
- Vegetable Prediction Feature
- History Feature
- List of Diseases Feature
- Android Studio Chipmunk
- Android Device or Android Emulator with minimum Lollipop Version
- Emulator / External Device
- USB Cable (to Connect Android Device to your Computer)
git clone https://Bangkit-Capstone-Project/MobileDev_AppsProject.git
or you can use Android Studio
File > New > Project from Version Control ...
Open Android Studio and select open an existing project.
Wait for Gradle Build to Finish and finally press the Run > Run ‘app’
. Now the app has been installed in your phone / emulator. Make sure that you have configured your android device or emulator