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MTProto telegram client, that listens to chats, groups and channels, and resends filtered messages to the specified chat.

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An MTProto telegram client, that allows you to collect messages from a set of source chats and channels, filter messages by some set of rules and then forward them into specified destination chats.

Sample usecases

  • Collect specific (e.g. "python middle developer") job vacancies from a set of telegram channels and forward them into one chat.
  • Collecting messages with specific content into a database to build a recommender system.
  • Creating a news feed from a set of channels and chats.


1. Create .env file

It should contain API_ID and API_HASH for your telegram account. Here is an official guide on how to get them. Here is also an .env-example file, that specifies the format.

Optional: you can also use a bot to forward the messages. It is better than using client, because with the client all the sent messages are marked as read. In order to use a bot, you also need to add a BOT_TOKEN variable to the .env file.

2. Add pipelines

Open pipelines.yaml and add your pipelines in the yaml format. Here is an example:

  - name: "Job Extractor"
      - "@young_relocate"
      - "@hrlunapark"
      - "@datasciencejobs"
      - "@gamedevjob"
      - "@remotedevjobs"
      - -123451245

      - -875236302
      - job_filter

  - name: News feed
      - "@meduza"
      - "@bbcnews"
      - -937814172
      - "@rtnews"

      - -789863182
      - "@my_hot_news"
      - news_filter
      - anti_repeat_filter
    listener: "me"
    sender: "bot"
    use_listener_on_fail: True

Each pipe has 4 fields:

  • name: name of the pipe, may be anything, it's here just for convenience.
  • sources: list of telegram chats\channel IDs to listen for. Each ID should be either in the format of "@channel_name" or integer ID. You can obtain chat ID by inviting @RawDataBot to your group. To send messages to "Saved Messages" (yourself), just put "me" to the list.
  • destinations: list of telegram chats\channel IDs to forward messages to. Each ID should be either in the format of "@channel_name" or integer ID.
  • filters: list of filters to use. Filters should be defined in the telegram_pipe/ file.
  • listener: name of the client, which will listen for new messages in the specified sources. One of "bot" or "me" for bot and client respectively. Optional, defaults to "me". If using "bot", BOT_TOKEN variable must be set in the .env file.
  • sender: name of the client, which will send new messages to the specified destinations. One of "bot" or "me" for bot and client respectively. Optional, defaults to "me". If using "bot", BOT_TOKEN variable must be set in the .env file.
  • use_listener_on_fail: if True, if sender fails to forward the message, then listener tries to forward it instead. Otherwise, skips the message.

3. Define filters

You need to implement all the required filters in the telegram_pipe/ file.

To write a filter, just create a class, inherited from filter_utils.CustomFilter, and implement the following methods:

  • __init__ (optional) - here you can provide all the neccessary data that can influence filter behaviour.
  • func(self, text: str) -> bool - the main functionality of the filter, if returns True, the message will be forwarded.

Currently, only text filters are allowed.

Here is a sample WordLookupFilter that can filter messages by positive (select if contains a word) and negative (skip if contains a word) lookups:

class WordLookupFilter(CustomFilter):
    def __init__(self, positive: list[str], negative: list[str]):
        """Filters messages that contain a word from a list of positive words
        and don't contain a word from a list of negative words.

            positive (str | list[str]): List of words that must be in the
            negative (str | list[str]): List of words that must not be in the
        self.positive = positive
        self.negative = negative

    def func(self, text: str) -> bool:
        text = text.lower()
        return all(word in text for word in self.positive) and not any(
            word in text for word in self.negative

4. Install dependencies

The project uses poetry, and all the dependency management could be solved easily using it. First, install (if not yet) poetry:

pip install poetry

Then, install the project dependencies. Run this command from the project's root directory:

poetry install

5. Run the client

Now you are ready to run the client:

poetry run python3 telegram_pipe/


The client is implemented using the Pyrogram MTProto client. Logging is handled by loguru and by default it goes to the stdout.


MTProto telegram client, that listens to chats, groups and channels, and resends filtered messages to the specified chat.




