The associated BaristaCore project uses a auto-generated header definition that describes ChakraCore.h named ChakraExternDefinitions.xml This repository contains the mechanism of generating the ChakraExternDefinitions.xml file directly from ChakraCore source using CastXML
The generated headers xml might be useful for other projects as well.
To Generate ChakraCore decls using Cast XML:
- Git
- DotNetCore 2.2
git clone
git clone
cd ChakraCoreCastXML\BaristaLabs.ChakraCoreCastXml
dotnet run
This repo includes a pre-built version of CastXML, it might be desirable to upgrade it from time to time.
To do so, follow the following steps.
- Git
- VS2017 Community/Professional/Enterprise
choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
choco install ninja
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
git clone
mkdir CastXMLSuperbuild-build
cd CastXMLSuperbuild-build
cmake -G Ninja ../CastXMLSuperbuild
cmake --build .
cd castxml-prefix\src\castxml-build
now copy the CastXMLSuperbuild-build/castxml folder to ./lib/castxml
Note: This takes a long time as we're building llvm+clang too. It feels like we're waiting for the heat-death of the universe.