New features:
tme$ function gives local time. tme$GMT gives UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Output contains all fields in C's tm struct, but with month, year, day of the week day and day of the year given in conventional ranges instead of starting from 0.
map$, mop$ and vap$ functions can take empty string as `map function'. Result: elements passed on unchanged.
The mop$ function can take an extra argument that indicates the operator to be used to separate the elements in the output. The output list is sorted if the output separator is * or +, using merge sort.
lst$ function is set to fail if given a symbol without a binding.
Changed ' to ' in toML function, since ' is not a valid HTML entity.
Allow / in unquoted HTML(5) attribute, even if followed by >. This change was necessary because contains such attribute values, and validates with