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Video view customization

Martijn van Dijk edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 1 revision

Add Video Player to the UI

The video view will automatically be attached to the player. If you have multiple video views and you want to hook it up yourself do:

CrossMediaManager.Current.MediaPlayer.AutoAttachVideoView = false;

After that you can manually add the video view like this:

For android we need a VideoView in the axml layout.

	android:layout_height="300dp" />

Then find the view in code:

playerView = view.FindViewById<VideoView>(Resource.Id.your_videoview);

For iOS, MacOS or tvOS we need to add a VideoView either in code, or in a Xib or Storyboard.

var playerView = new VideoView();

Then for all platforms we have to add the player view to the MediaPlayer

CrossMediaManager.Current.MediaPlayer.VideoView = playerView;