The simplest way of scheduling HTTP requests
- Pick a common schedule or use UNIX-CRON schedule expression.
- Schedule a request for a specific date.
- Schedule your request in any timezone.
- Register logs of your requests and responses.
- Receive a email notification every time one of your requests fails
npm install --save beew
You need to have a Beew account to create schedules. Go to and sign up.
import { Beew, ScheduleMethod, ScheduleResponseType, ScheduleType } from "beew";
* You can find your Beew secret in the Beew dashboard.
const client = new Beew({ secret: "YOU_API_KEY_HERE" });
name: "test",
cronExpression: "* * * * *",
url: "",
notifyOnError: false,
headers: [],
payload: JSON.stringify({}),
timezone: "America/Sao_Paulo",
method: ScheduleMethod.GET,
responseType: ScheduleResponseType.JSON,
type: ScheduleType.RECURRING,
Here is a list of all available methods:
Method | Description |
client.schedule.create(args) | Create a new schedule |
client.schedule.update(args) | Update schedule |
client.schedule.get('schedule_id') | Get schedule by id |
client.schedule.delete('schedule_id') | Delete schedule |
client.execution.get('execution_id') | Get execution by id |