Token Preseeding Smart Contracts for Behodler.
yarn && yarn build:debug
yarn node:dev
In a separate terminal,
yarn scripts:addresses
yarn scripts:setup
Note that addresses generates will be in addresses.json. These must be copied across to LimboUI project into scr/constants/addresses/hardhat.json
If the ui and contracts repo are at the same level on your local file system then you the above copy step is automated by
yarn update:contracts
To update the UI in one step after starting a node run
yarn update:ui
For standard unit tests, comment out the custom mining block in hardhat.config.js. Ropsten wargames are in memory unit tests of deployment scripts to Ropsten. They were written because long running scripts would fail against Ropsten with absolutely no debugging info provided. Makes sure the custom mining block is uncommented as the tests expect a block mining time.