🚀 I'm thrilled to announce the release of ToDoList project, a simple repository to learn .NET 8.
This repository is packed with:
- User Management
- Todo Service
- Minimal APIs
- SQL Server
- JWT Token
- User Management
- Access Level
- API documentation with Swagger
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- Factory Method Design Pattern
You can find all these features and more in the ToDoList repository on GitHub. Feel free to explore, fork, and contribute! 👉 GitHub Repository
Contributions, feedback, and suggestions are highly welcome! Let’s collaborate to make ToDoList better.
💠 There are lots of techniques that can be used in this project. Willing to contribute? Check the list below, then make a merge request and we can have a meeting to discuss:
- ❗ Add Dependency Inversions with interfaces [DONE]
- ❗ Use the Option Pattern
- ❗ Complete CRUD and add delete and update APIs [DONE]
- ❗ Implement Logout API, handle token expiration, and create a custom Authorize attribute
- ❗ Add pagination to the Todo List Get API
- ❗ Add Error handling with HTTP status codes
- ❗ Write tests for functionalities
- ❗ Refactor to n-layer architecture
✅ If you want to take on these tasks but need guidance, feel free to contact me, and we can work together.
hashtag#dotnet hashtag#OOP hashtag#SOLID hashtag#DDD hashtag#SoftwareDevelopment hashtag#GitHub hashtag#SoftwareEngineering hashtag#Swagger hashtag#APIDevelopment