HolidaySwApp comes from the need for a cheaper option when traveling, allows you to exchange your home with someone else around the world. This way your stay can be less expensive or even free.
When you sign up, you receive 1000 points for you to pay your stay in someone's house, or you can contact the owner and do an exchange, you stay at their place and they stay at yours.
Javascript, CSS, HTML5, React, Redux, MaterialUI, Nodejs, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Passport, MercadoPago, among others.
- React
- Redux
- Javascript
- MaterialUI
- Nodejs
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize
- Passport
- MercadoPago
In order to use this project, you need to create a .env
file inside the api
folder, and set the following variables
DB_USER=PostgreSQL's user
DB_PASSWORD=PostgreSQL's password
SECRET_KEY=Passport's Secret key
ACCESS_TOKEN=MercadoPago's Access Token
USUARIO_EMAIL=Nodemailer's user email
You can check out our webpage in the following link: