Releases: BenSmithers/MultiHex
GUI Update
(From Release Notes)
June 07 2020 (v0.3.0)
added new GUI to support world generation with both presets and advanced generation parameters.
multithreading for world generation so the gui doesn't sieze up and act non-responsive
added window icon for MultiHex
Users can now change the color of counties (and in effect kingdoms)
Users can add and edit map generation presets
totally reworked the GUIs! Now allows for rapid switching between the different editors
Updated the civilization toolbar artwork, removed old unused buttons
Dramatically reduced file sizes
Starting to draw a path from the end of an existing path will allow the continuing of the existing path (applies to rivers, roads)
changed structure of json file for world generation. Each parameter should have a correlated entry with its description.
changed savefile locaiton to be %AppData%\MultiHex\saves on Windows, $HOME/MultiHex/saves on MacOS, and $HOME/.local/MultiHex/saves on Linux
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where tributaries were not being drawn
Fixed problem where a spaceritem had the same layout location as a button, causing an obnoxious warning
Fixed issue where the Hex Brushes outline wouldn't be removed when switching to a new tool
Several other minor bugfixes
Terrain Editor Remix
Lot of new features added to the terrain editor.
Civilization Editor Release
0.2 Added link to the feedback form