A ROS service server has been written to convert different representations. The instructions are as followed:
- Launch this server using
rosrun coursework_1 coursework_1_node
- The server will be up, and ready for any ROS service client to request for a response.
Alternatively, three seperate nodes has been written for each part of question 7.
- Launch part(a) using
roslaunch coursework_1 quat_to_Euler.launch
- Launch part(b) using
roslaunch coursework_1 quat_to_Axis.launch
- Launch part(c) using
roslaunch coursework_1 rotation_to_Quat.launch
- You can pass in the arguments of each launch file with the respective parameter values.
A ROS node has been created to retrieve DH parameters from the published topics by youbot. The respective TF are broadcasted after obtaining the DH parameters.
- Launch using
roslaunch coursework_1 forwardKinematic.launch
- Remember to launch the youbot simulator by
roslaunch youbot_simulator youbot_sim.launch
- Remember to launch the youbot simulator by
- The DH parameters are obtained by subscribing to
topics.- Standard DH convention is used, only rotation and translation around z-axis first before x-axis.
- the frames orientation are a little different from the original youbot due to the DH convention, since ROS is able to rotate and translate around 3 axis.