- Search products from the Mercado Libre API and display them in a list.
- Show error screen if try to fetch the data and doesn't have network connection.
- See the detail from a specific product.
- Unit tests for domain, data and presentation(viewmodel) layers (100% coverage)
- This app supports dark theme and keep state even if the device rotates
🏃 For run the app just clone the repository and execute the app on Android Studio.
- Use phones with Android Api 26+
- Having an internet connection
- Jetpack compose
- Coroutines
- Clean architecture (Domain, Data, Presentation)
- App center
- Repository pattern
- Use cases
- StateFlow
- Mutable State
- Jetpack navigation compose
- Lottie animations
- Timber (Logs)
- Dagger Hilt (Dependency injection)
- Coil (Load images)
- Retrofit (HTTP requests)
- Pagination
- Unit testing (Mockk, Thruth, Coroutines tests)
Splash | Home | Loading | Products | Detail |
Detail Description | Detail quantity modal | Detail quantity textfiel modal | Error | Pagination error |
Splash | Home | Loading | Products | Detail |
Detail Description | Detail quantity modal | Detail quantity textfiel modal | Error | Pagination error |
Unit testing for layers Domain, data and presentation (Viewmodels and Util class) with 100% coverage.
BaseViewModel | DetailViewModel | HomeViewModel | MeliRepository |
Product Description UC | Search Products UC |
Currency Util | String extension |
Splash - Home - Detail |
The application is built using Clean Architeture pattern based on Architecture Components on Android. The application is divided into three layers:
- Domain: This layer contains the business logic of the application, here we define the data models and the use cases.
- Data: This layer contains the data layer of the application. It contains the database, network and the repository implementation.
- Presentation: This layer contains the presentation layer of the application.