This project is another task on course "Uses and applications of C++ language" by K.I.Vladimirov in which I try to create a class of matrix with base set of arithmetic operations and functions.
CMake with version 3.14 (or higher)
Python3 with version 3.10.6 (or higher)
Installed library of termcolor
- Clone the repo and change the directory:
cd Matrix
- Create a directory build and build the project into this directory:
cmake --build build
- First of all, driver for the task is located in tests/end_to_end_tests/src/. You can execute this and redirect input stream:
./integral_matrix < test
./real_matrix < test
where test is can be your own file with test
- Secondly, you can launch the for the random matrix:
./random_matrix [S] [D] [-dump]
where S - matrix order; D - value of determinant; option -dump needs for calling dump() of the random matrix to output stream, it can be ommited and in this case there is no calling dump()
- You can launch generating N tests from directory tests/end_to_end_tests/random_tests/ with python script:
./ [N] [S] [M] [D]
where N - number of tests and all of other parametrs are same above; and M - mode of testing which can be gauss (floating_point) and bareiss (integral). But in this case dump() of the random matrices will be located in tests/end_to_end_tests/random_matrices
- You can also launch some basic tests with corner cases from directory tests/end_to_end_tests/corner_tests/corner_cases/:
- And launch tests with bad input from directory tests/end_to_end_tests/corner_tests/bad_input_tests/