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Data and starter notebooks for the locust breeding ground prediction hackaton

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Hackathon IndabaX South Africa 2024

Desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) are a species of short-horned grasshoppers known for their ability to form large, devastating swarms. They are found primarily in the deserts of Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. They pose a significant threat to food security in Africa and are known to be the world’s most destructive pests.

One strategy towards mitigating the devastating effects of desert locusts swarms is to identify their breeding grounds in order for control activities to be carried out by the relevant agencies.

The locust breeding ground dataset in this challenge was curated by sourcing locust observations from the United Nations (UN) Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Locust Hub and enriching it with remote sensed variables such as soil moisture, temperature, precipitation etc. from different satellite products.


Beginner track

For the beginner track you will be provided with CSV files of remote sensed variables of both a temporal and non-temporal nature of different locations. The train and validation datasets also have a label column which contains either a 1 indication this location is a locust breeding ground or a 0 which indicates this location is not a locust breeding ground. You will be provided with a starter notebook that implements a simple model which is trained on this data and provides a baseline prediction. Your task is to improve the model or the data preprocessing and trying to get a top spot on the Zindi leaderboard.

Variable Notes Type Source
sm_-1 Soil moisture level on the 1st day Temporal ESA CCI
sm_-2 Soil moisture level on the 2nd day Temporal ESA CCI
sm_-31 Soil moisture level on the 31st day Temporal ESA CCI
fcover_-1 Percentage of ground covered by vegetation on day 1. Temporal CLMS
fcover_-2 Percentage of ground covered by vegetation on day 2. Temporal CLMS
fcover_-31 Percentage of ground covered by vegetation on day 31. Temporal CLMS
precipitation_-1 Amount of rainfall on day 1 Temporal CHIRPS
precipitation_-2 Amount of rainfall on day 2 Temporal CHIRPS
precipitation_-31 Amount of rainfall on day 3 Temporal CHIRPS
land_cover Land Cover Non-temporal Terra Climate
aet Amount of water that evaporated or tranpirated from the surface Non-temporal Terra Climate
def Climate Water Deficit Non-temporal Terra Climate
ppt Total amount of rainfall in a month Non-temporal Terra Climate
srad The solar radiation reaching the earth's surface Non-temporal Terra Climate
swe Measure of the amount of water contained in snowpack. Non-temporal Terra Climate
tmax Highest temperature recorded Non-temporal Terra Climate
tmin Lowest temperature recorded Non-temporal Terra Climate
vap Measure of the amount of moisture in the air Non-temporal Terra Climate
ws Wind speed Non-temporal Terra Climate
vpd Vapor Pressure Deficit Non-temporal Terra Climate
PDSI Metric used to measure the severity of drought conditions Non-temporal Terra Climate
wadis Digital Elevation Non-temporal Open Topography

Advanced track

For the advanced track we use multispectral earth observation imagery from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 satellites. The images from both satellites have been harmonized and made available by NASA's Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) project.. For this challenge, you will get preprocessed HLS data for locust breeding ground prediction. The dataset contains temporal image data with shape 18 x 224 x 224. This data contains 6 spectral bands (Blue, Green, Red, NIR Narrow, SWIR1, SWIR2) with three temporal steps. The label is a segmentation map of shape 2 x 224 x 224, where each pixel with valid data contains a binary label. There is also a starter notebook to get you going.

satellite images

Run the code locally

First create a conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yaml

then activate it

conda activate hackathon

Run the code on Google Colab

Beginner notebook: Open In Colab

Advanced notebook: Open In Colab


This dataset was provided from a collaborative research between InstaDeep, Google AI Center in Ghana and UN-FAO. Special thanks to Ibrahim Salihu Yusuf for preparing the data and the starter notebooks.