Using the Elements of Style in Workflow creation approach as taught in the, the team will work together to containerize the processing steps and stitch them together in a workflow language. On Cavatica, the workflow language best supported is Common Workflow Language (CWL).
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MYC is an oncoprotein and often implies worse outcomes, however, it also seems to have a role in cardiovascular disease. Using open data from both the INCLUDE Data Hub and the Kids First (KF) Data Resource Portal available through the Cavatica Platform, this Hackathon will:
Explore MYC expression and its segregating effects at the intersection of A) congenital heart defects and cancer from KF & B) & Down Syndrome (Include)
Build platform agnostic workflows and analysis notebooks using the elements of style method ( that will use both WGCNA and limma to probe the dual role of this gene.
Result in a tutorial of how to proceed from both and to as well as produce results in notebooks that could be used as figures in a paper promoting open transparent, reproducible results.
- Make two matrices of gene x sample in Cavatica Portal -- in our case the Kids First RNA-seq workflow (pre-made by CHOP).
- Combine expression matrices for birth defects and cancer.
- Normalize gene expression with deseq2 (not using for differential expression, only for quantile normalisation).
- Separate the samples between high and low MYC expression using Gene Median Splitter.
- Classify all subjects by phenotype.
- Run WGNCA analysis after binning based on High MYC and Low MYC expression.
- Create a template jupyter lab notebook
- Look at congenital and cardiac outcomes that might be due to drug interactions. *Related Repo for MYC related pediatric drug saftey profiles
- What are some outcome differences between high and low MYC expression; different heart morphologies, birth defects based on HPO terms.
- Run annotation analysis such as GO and biological pathways, maybe Reactome.
Workflow Diagram:
Analysis plan - Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) See Publication exists as an R program -> convert to a notebook -> break out the DESeq from the WGCNA
Treatment in the WGCNA sense is the condition of the sample:
- Trisomy and Disomy samples
- High Myc and Low Myc expression.
- Birth defect (cardiac) and Blood Cancers
- Birth Defect (cardiac) and Solid Tumors