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Spotify Volume Controller


Spotify Volume Controller lets you hook two keys (for example your volume controls) directly to Spotify using the Spotify REST API.


To use Spotify Volume Controller you need to create an application using the Spotify Developer Dashboard. After creating an application, go into its settings and add a Redirect URI. http://localhost:5000/callback is default callback URI, but you can use whatever you want as long as you set it in the config file.

Then copy the client secret and the client id values to the config-example.json file as strings. After that rename the file to config.json and start the program. Follow the instructions and if everything is correct it should be able to authorize it self.

Changing volume keys

If the default values aren't working or you just want to use different keys just change the volume_up and volume_down values in the config file.

The values should be the decimal value of the virutal key codes for the keys you want to use. See here for a complete list of virtual key codes. You can also set print_keys to true to print the decimal values of the virtual key code for each key you press.

403 Error when quickly changing volume

This seems to be some kind of rate limiting from Spotify (though they have a seperate error code for that, 429, so not sure why this one is 403). If you are encountering it frequently, try to increase the volume increment using the volume_increment config option (default is 1).

Building a standalone exe using VS/MSBuild.

  • Download and install vcpkg.
  • To make all packages installed with vcpkg availiable user wide for VS/MSBuild run following command after installation:
vcpkg integrate install
  • Install the cpprestsdk static triplet (see here more info about triplets)
vcpkg install cpprestsdk:x86-windows-static 
vcpkg install cpprestsdk:x64-windows-static
  • After the installation, open the project's .vcxproj file and add the following lines to the Globals PropertyGroup
    • If you only want to build a static version for certain build configurations add And '$(Configuration)' == 'DesiredConfiguration' to the Condition property.
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
  <!-- .... -->
  <VcpkgTriplet Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'">x86-windows-static</VcpkgTriplet>
  <VcpkgTriplet Condition="'$(Platform)'=='x64'">x64-windows-static</VcpkgTriplet>
  • Then open the project in Visual Studio and open the project properties and set the configuration and platform what you want to build against.
  • Go to C/C++ -> Preprocessor and add _NO_ASYNCRTIMP=1 to Preprocessor Definitions.
  • Then go to Linker -> Input and add cpprest_2_10.lib;bcrypt.lib;crypt32.lib;winhttp.lib;httpapi.lib;zlib.lib; to Additional Dependencies.
  • Lastly go to C/C++ -> Code Generation and set Runtime Library to Multi-threaded (/MT).
  • Now just build the project as usual and the .exe that is generated should include all needed DLL's.


A small program to hook volume keys directly to Spotify






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