# Add our BitcoinKit fork that handles SLP address
source 'https://github.com/Bitcoin-com/CocoaPods.git'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'SLPWalletTestApp' do
# Pods for SLPWalletTestApp
pod 'SLPWallet'
$ brew install autoconf automake // Required with BitcoinKit
$ brew install libtool // Required with BitcoinKit
$ pod install
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/
SLPWallet uses the Keychain to safely store the mnemonic seed phrase on your device. However, you need to create an entitlement file to allow the access to the Keychain. You can have a look at the sample project anytime you need to check the configuration here.
Under the hood, the SDK is using KeychainAccess.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
The SDK uses https://rest.bitcoin.com which by default is limited to up to 60 calls per minute per IP address. If you would like to increase your REST calls limit rate, please contact Bitcoin.com's team to obtain an API key. You may configure the SDK to work with an API key or with your own REST API, as shown below:
Add your setup to your AppDelegate.swift
as follows:
- Add the following import statement:
Import SLPWallet
- Setup in the
// Optional setup
SLPWalletConfig.setRestAPIKey("MY_API_KEY") // Optional
SLPWalletConfig.setRestURL("https://rest.bitcoin.com") // By default => https://rest.bitcoin.com
The wallet works with only 2 addresses, using:
- the SLP recommended path 44'/245'/0' + m/0/0 (handling tokens - bch with token + token change address)
- the BCH recommended path 44'/145'/0' + m/0/0 (handling gas - bch without token + bch change address)
However, both paths are scanned to get any bch or tokens available.
// Init 1
// Generate/Restore a wallet + Save/Get in Keychain
// If mnemonic in Keychain
// Restore wallet
// else
// Generate mnemonic
let wallet = try SLPWallet(.testnet) // .mainnet or .testnet
// Init 2
// Restore a wallet from Mnemonic + Save in Keychain
let wallet = try SLPWallet("My Mnemonic", network: .testnet) // .mainnet or .testnet
// Init 3
// Generate a wallet
// If force == true
// Generate everytime a new wallet
// else
// => Init 1
let wallet = try SLPWallet(.testnet, force: Bool) // .mainnet or .testnet
wallet.mnemonic // [String]
wallet.slpAddress // String
wallet.cashAddress // String
wallet.tokens // [String:SLPToken] Tokens are accessible after an initial fetch or if you have started the scheduler
.fetchTokens() // RxSwift => Single<[String:Token]>
.subscribe(onSuccess: { tokens in
// My tokens
tokens.forEach { tokenId, token in
}, onError: { error in
// ...
.sendToken(tokenId, amount: amount, toAddress: toAddress) // toAddress can be a slp / cash address or legacy
.subscribe(onSuccess: { txid in // RxSwift => Single<String>
// ...
}, onError: { error in
// ...
// Start & Stop
// Change the interval
wallet.schedulerInterval = 10 // in seconds (30 by default)
- scheduler is started + token balance changed
class MyViewController: SLPWalletDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let wallet = ... // Setup a wallet
wallet.delegate = self
func onUpdatedToken(_ token: SLPToken) {
// My updated token
iOS project developed with SLPWallet SDK
- KeychainAccess
- RxSwift
- Moya
- BitcoinKit
- Kishikawa Katsumi for BitcoinKit + KeychainAccess
SLPWallet iOS SDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.