This repository contains Code, articles, videos,cad model and snapshots taken during the preparations for competition micromouse
- Electronics and components
- Solving Algorithm
- Coding
-STM32 as the microcontroller(can be coded from Arduino ide)(!3.3v)
-5 IR distance sensors( 2 on each side and one on the front)
-Roughly 3 cm for now diameter wheels from polulu
-Motors according to wheel size and weight(not yet decided)
-9 axis gyro(Adafruit Precision NXP 9-DOF Breakout Board - FXOS8700 + FXAS21002)
similar sensor mpu 9250 (but we found out that adafruit sensor is the best at the time)
-Motor drivers(mostly a pcb based l293d module)
-Battery(not decided)
-Standard flood-fill to be used, to be modified later on, after a few test runs, as per requirement.