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Websockets for Yii2

PHP Websockets with Yii2 integration based on Ratchet.


he preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

  1. Clone this project in any directory. In this case it will be located in upper level folder
    cd ..
    git clone 
  1. In your project's composer.lock add following lines:
    "require": {
        "blackbes/yii2-yiisockets": "@dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../yii2-yiisockets"
  1. Run composer install in the project root
    composer install
  1. Add following lines to your config/console.php. Note that provided model should be the one you use to perform authorisation in your app. (Should implement Identity Interface)
    'components' => [
        'user' => [
            'class' => 'yii\web\User',
            'identityClass' => 'app\models\<YourModel>',
            'enableAutoLogin' => true
  1. Add SocketController.php (you can find template here) to your commands folder

  2. Add ecosystem.config.js (you can find template here) to your project root directory

  3. Install npm

  4. Install pm2

    npm i pm2 -g

Usage on back

  1. Create sockets folder in your root directory

  2. Add controllers that extends blackbes\yiisockets\BaseController

  3. Start server

  4. Start pm2

BaseController Overview

Extending this controller will provide following methods that you can use in your websocket controllers:

Method Parameters Returns Example usage
send() ConnectionInterface $conn, string $group_id, mixed data none $this->send($this->conn, 'get-new-text', ['text' => $text]);
sendError() ConnectionInterface $conn, string $error_text none ---
sendToGroupExcludeClient() string $action, mixed $data, string $group_id, bool $is_json boolean $this->sendToGroup('new-message', ['text' => $text], 'chat-'.$chatId);
sendToGroupExcludeUser() string $action, mixed $data, string $group_id, bool $is_json boolean $this->sendToGroup('new-message', ['text' => $text], 'chat-'.$chatId);
sendToGroup() string $action, mixed $data, string $group_id, bool $is_json boolean $this->sendToGroup('new-message', ['text' => $text], 'chat-'.$chatId);
addToGroup() ConnectionInterface $conn, string $group_id boolean $this->addToGroup($this->conn,'chat-'.$chatId);
removeFromGroup() ConnectionInterface $conn, string $group_id boolean $this->removeFromGroup($this->conn,'chat-'.$chatId);
isInGroup() ConnectionInterface $conn, string $group_id boolean ---
GetGroup() string $group_id mixed - All connections from specific group ---
getClientId() ConnectionInterface $conn integer - Id of user ---
getData() string $data_name mixed - Specified value that you've sent in request $this->getData('chatId')

Connecting to websockets on front

  1. Add Yii2WebSockets file to your JavaScript project and import it

       import Yii2WebSockets from "path/to/yiisockets-core";
  2. Create a variable object login_credentials with following properties:

         let login_tokens = {
             'login-token': authToken, //Auth token that your identity uses to log in
             'connection-type': 'user'
  3. Start WebSocket connection

        let _ws = new Yii2WebSockets(login_credentials);
        _ws.connect(socketAddress, socketPort, socketMode, socketRoute);
          // Default values are
          //   - socketAddress = 'localhost';
          //   - socketPort = '8088';
          //   - socketMode = 'ws';
          //   - socketRoute = '';
  4. Add actions to listen to. Those will trigger when one of your contollers will use a sendToGroup() method which has same action name

        let actionToListenTo = 'new-message' //this is for example
       _ws.addAction(action, function (data) {
            console.log(data) //here you decide what to do with data, when it arrives

    Note that you can add multiple actions

Using websockets on front

  1. Use socketSend method to make requests
        let actionName = 'chat/send' // chat - controller name, send - controller's action (actionSend(){})
        let additionalData = {'text': "some example text"} // this property you can get in controller by using $this->getData('text')
        ws.socketSend(actionName, additionalData);
  2. Process responses in your addAction methods