Copyright (c) 2019 Black Rook Software.
This library contains classes for Redis Server functions, for both client and administrative use.
Currently compatible with Redis 2.6+
Some other Redis-interfacing libraries do the bare minimum for supporting commands, and they don't separate them categorically into meaningful ways suitable for DAOs or other drivers, nor do they contain ways to create/store object data, reflection-wise.
This one does.
Contained in this release is a series of classes that are used for Redis server functions, plus object conversion utilities. Supports pipelining series of commands and raw writes/reads from a Redis connection, as well as Redis cursors.
The javadocs contain basic outlines of each package's contents.
To compile this library with Apache Ant, type:
ant compile
To make Maven-compatible JARs of this library (placed in the build/jar directory), type:
ant jar
To make Javadocs (placed in the build/docs directory):
ant javadoc
To compile main and test code and run tests (if any):
ant test
To make Zip archives of everything (main src/resources, bin, javadocs, placed in the build/zip directory):
ant zip
To compile, JAR, test, and Zip up everything:
ant release
To clean up everything:
ant clean
Online Javadocs can be found at:
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the LGPL v2.1 License which accompanies this distribution.
A copy of the LGPL v2.1 License should have been included in this release (LICENSE.txt). If it was not, please contact us for a copy, or to notify us of a distribution that has not included it.
This contains code copied from Black Rook Base, under the terms of the MIT License (docs/LICENSE-BlackRookBase.txt).