The Mezzanine is a set of multi platform C++ libraries designed to help create high performance videos games. The Mezzanine is focused on games requiring 3d physics, 3d graphics, 3d sounds and common facilities that such games need. This is just one component of many.
This library contains I/O stream types and stream support utilities used by the Mezzanine engine.
The current Travis CI (Apple - GCC/Clang) build status is:
The current Appveyor (Windows - MinGW/Msvc) build status is:
The current code coverage for tests is:
The current Jenkins, which covers Linux (Emscripten, Rasberry Pi, Ubuntu and Fedora), old Mac OS X (High Sierra) and old windows (7 64 bit msvc and mingw), build status is available on the BTS Jenkins Instance. The current status is: