Releases: BlenderHQ/path_tool
Path Tool version 4.0.0
- The addon release system has been updated.
- Added an option to display the path behind the object.
- Added cosmetic changes to the user interface.
- Added a new system for checking and installing updates.
- Оновлено систему випуску доповнення.
- Додано опцію для відображення шляху за сіткою об'єкту.
- Додано косметичні зміни до користувацького інтерфейсу.
- Додано нову систему перевірки і встановлення оновлень.
Path Tool 3.6.2
• Fixed an issue with flipped normals in the viewport.
• Updated the shader system to the new Blender development design standards (maintenance update).
• Fixed an issue with control point opacity in edge mode.
• Increased accuracy of depth and color to 32-bit float - this reduces polygon depth fighting in the viewport.
• Fixed different distance between "Select", "Seam", "Sharp" options in tool settings and radial menu.
• Brought back module reload support.
• Added localization support, with initial uk_UA
translations. Users can create their own translations in other languages using fields from this dictionary.
• Now, while working with paths, the addon's UI will become inactive, as access to it is not possible at this time and this should be reflected in the UI. This also applies to keymap preferences.
• Виправлено неполадку стосовно вивернутих нормалей у вікні перегляду.
• Оновлено систему шейдерів до нових стандартів розробки Blender (технічне оновлення).
• Виправлено неполадку стосовно прозорості контрольних елементів у режимі редагування ребер.
• Підвищено точність текстур глибини і кольору до 32-бітної - це зменшує можливість некоректного відображення елементів у переглядачі.
• Виправлено неполадку стосовно різної відстані між опціями "Виділення", "Шов" і "Гострота" в налаштуваннях інструменту і круговому меню.
• Повернено підтримку перезавантаження модуля.
• Додано підтримку локалізації інтерфейсу, для початку uk_UA
. Користувачі можуть створювати власні переклади їх мовами використовуючи поля з цього словника як шаблон.
• Тепер під час роботи користувацький інтерфейс ставатиме неактивним, оскільки доступ до нього обмежено і це повинно бути відображено. Це стосується і налаштувань клавіш.
Path Tool 3.4.1
Version 3.4.1
Added "Auto Tweak Options" preferences option. This used to be the operator's default behavior for ease of use, but is now optional and disabled by default. If no mesh element is initially selected, the selection option will be changed to "Extend". If all elements are selected, it will be changed to "Do nothing". The option is in the addon preferences under
Behavior > Auto Tweak Options
. -
Main operator has been fixed in a situation where you do undo and redo and then cancel the operator, after which start a new instance of the operator again
Added a system of keyboard shortcuts that were previously hardcoded. All of them are available in user preferences. Here, Blender has limitations because it does not provide any possibility to create keymaps for modal operators through the Python API. Among the identified shortcomings (however, they were there before) - it is not possible to assign "Double Click" and "Click-and-Drag" actions to the keys.
Standard settings that simplify navigation - "Auto Perspective" and "Zoom to Mouse Position" have been added to the behavior settings. This is useful for faster setup.
Path Tool 3.4.0
Version 3.4.0
Fixed selection for meshes with glued geometry. The problem was how the standard
operator works, which selects part of the mesh according to normals. The simplest example to reproduce is two pyramids glued together with their upper faces cut off. -
Brought back transparency options for drawing paths and their controls.
Path Tool 3.3.0
Version 3.3.0
Fixed possible Blender crashes when changing the anti-aliasing method. The reason was how Blender calculates VAO.
Fixed incomplete selection of mesh elements when working with edges. The reason was the absence of one of the mesh update calls.
Fixed the incorrect merging of paths in the case when they are connected to the first control element of the first path with the first control element of the second path. The reason was a typo in determining element indexes.
Fixed lags when dragging control elements on Linux (tested on Ubuntu). The problem was in the spam of
events by Blender. -
Removed the "Default presets" option from the preferences. Added a completely new system of presets. The new system is more maintainable and native to Blender. Appearance presets have also been added.
Path Tool 3.2.0
Version 3.2.0
Added support for work in all view-ports as well as in all open Blender windows - now there is no binding to a specific viewport in the specific window in which the work was started.
Added support for anti-aliasing FXAA, SMAA, with configurable options. They are performed sequentially - that is, you can enable only some of these methods for finer tuning on your hardware.
Changes to the operation logic of operator properties:
Added operator presets.
The option to apply options to tool properties has been removed - now the tool properties and the properties of the current operator session are combined.
Options in the pie menu reflect actions for the current path of the operator - it can be reversed, closed, etc. but operator options and access to addon preferences are in a separate submenu. An important change is that now it will not disappear after each tweak of the options.
Added option from standard operator "Topology distance". It can be enabled for each individual path and enabled by default for all new ones in the operator / tool options.
Path Tool 3.0.0
Full Changelog: v1_2_1...v3_0_0
Path Tool 1.2.1
Small fix for Blender 2.93+
Path Tool 1.2.0
Update for Blender v2.91:
- For use with previous versions of Blender, please use release 1.1.0.
- Small visual fix of face-based paths in orthographic view.
Dev only:
- Updated
Path Tool 1.1.0
v1_1_0 Update gitignore