Making beautiful light shows is as easy as drawing a picture with PatternPaint! Simply plug in your BlinkyTape, run PatternPaint, and draw away!
This is the devlopment guide- For instructions on how to use Pattern Paint, please visit the PatternPaint website:
For instructions on how to contribute to Pattern Paint development, read on!
PatternPaint is a cross-platform application, targetting macOS, Windows, and Linux.
We use Github Issues for bug tracking and feature implementation.
PatternPaint is written in C++ with QT (5.15.0) libraries. The easiest way to get started is to download QT Creator, and run the project through there.
PatternPaint is licensed under the GPL version 2
macOS development requires the following software tools:
We're building on Sierra.
Use Xcode 8, available in the app store:
Note: Be sure to run Xcode at least once to accept the license agreements.
Note: If the current version of Xcode is not compatible, it should be possible to download an ISO from the Apple developer website.
Get the command line tools:
xcode-select --install
Get Qt 5.8:
Install it using the default options.
Windows development requires the following software tools:
Windows 10 is used internally.
Note: be sure to check 'Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt', 'Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-stlye line endings', and 'Use MinTTY'.
Note: When installing, make sure to select the 'Tools' 'MinGW 5.3.0' option.
When installing, only the 'Windoes Software Development Kit' feature is required.
First, get the essential build tools:
sudo apt-get install build-essential mesa-common-dev libglu-mesa1-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
There's a PPA with the latest version of Qt, Hooray!
sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:beineri/opt-qt58-trusty
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install qt58[QTPACKAGE] qt58serialport
wget -c -O linuxdeployqt
chmod a+x linuxdeployqt
You'll need to add yourself to the dialout group in order to access the serial ports:
sudo adduser `whoami` dialout
First, clone the PatternPaint repository:
git clone
Next, open QT creator, then open the project file, which should be located in the PatternPaint subdirectory of the repository.
That's all you should need to do to build and make changes to PatternPaint. If you come up with a cool new feature or add support for a new device, please send a pull request!
These are the steps required to build a release version (installer) for PatternPaint. This is for distribution only- for hacking or modifying PatternPaint, only the steps in the above section 'Development' are necessicary.
- First, sign up for an Apple developer account and pay up to get the account. Then, in Xcode:
- xcode->preference->accounts
- add ID for dev account
- click ‘view details'
- click '+' to add ‘developer ID application’ and ‘developer ID Installer’
Once the prerequsites have been installed, the deployment script can be run:
git clone
cd PatternPaint
export QTDIR=~/Qt5.8.0/5.8/clang_64
If everything works, it will generate a redistributable disk image 'PatternPaint_X.Y.Z.dmg', where X.Y.Z is the current version of PatternPaint.
Test this file manually on a clean macOS host.
The release version of PatternPaint needs to be crypograpically signed. We use a certificate from GlobalSign.
- Install the .pfx file for code signing (right click and choose 'Install PFX'). You'll need to purchase your own if you intend to distribute PatternPaint for Windows with a signature.
- Install the GlobalSign cross certificate if you are using a GlobalSign certificate (as suggested in David Grayson's guide)
NOTE: Obtain the GlobalSign file and install the Blinkinlabs Cert before continuing. The GlobalSign file needs to be in the directory the build script is run from.
Start Git bash (start->run->git bash)
git clone
cd PatternPaint
export QTDIR=/c/Qt/Qt5.8.0
If everything works, it will generate an installer executable 'PatternPaint_Installer_X.Y.Z.exe', where X.Y.Y is the current version of PatternPaint.
Test this file manually on clean Windows 7 and 8 hosts.
Once the prerequsites have been installed, the deployment script can be run:
git clone
cd PatternPaint
export QTDIR=~/Qt5.8.0/5.8/gcc_64
If everything works, it will generate a distributable AppImage 'PatternPaint_X.Y.Z.Appimage', where X.Y.Z is the current version of PatternPaint.
Test this file manually on a clean Linux host.
Go to the releases page:
Click 'Draft a new release' to start a new release
Take a cool screenshot demonstrating the new features
Write a description of the changes
Upload the macOS and Windows distribution files from above
Pause and reflect on these changes
Click publish to make the release official
Tweet about it and maybe a blog post?
The PatternPaint page at contains links to the latest releases. Update those! The page is:
PatternPaint uses Sparkle and WinSparkle to notify PatternPaint users of new releases, and allow them to upgrade automatically. PattternPaint installs regularly check for updates by querying an XML file on the Blinkinlabs server. There are two files, one for macOS releases and one for Windows releases.
TODO: Script to autmate this procedure
Create a new <item> entry to describe the release. Most of the details can be scraped from the Github releases page. A sample one looks like this:
<item> <title>PatternPaint 1.8.0</title> <pubDate>Mon, 27 Jul 2015 8:32:00 +0000</pubDate> <description> <![CDATA[ <b>Introducing PatternPaint 1.8! This is a big one- now you can store multiple animations on your BlinkyTape at once!<b> <br>Changelog:<br> <ul> <li>New slideshow editor to load and manage multiple patterns</li> <li>Upload multiple patterns to your BlinkyTape (BlinkyTile and BlinkyPendant coming soon)</li> <li>Drag and drop support for loading animations directly from your file manager or favorite program</li> <li>Automatically checks for new versions (using Sparkle and WinSparkle)</li> <li>Mac: Appnap automatically disabled</li> </ul> ]]> </description> <enclosure url="" sparkle:version="1.8.0" length="13321443" type="application/octet-stream" /> </item>
<item> <title>PatternPaint 1.8.0</title> <pubDate>Mon, 27 Jul 2015 8:32:00 +0000</pubDate> <description> <![CDATA[ <b>Introducing PatternPaint 1.8! This is a big one- now you can store multiple animations on your BlinkyTape at once!<b> <br>Changelog:<br> <ul> <li>New slideshow editor to load and manage multiple patterns</li> <li>Upload multiple patterns to your BlinkyTape (BlinkyTile and BlinkyPendant coming soon)</li> <li>Drag and drop support for loading animations directly from your file manager or favorite program</li> <li>Automatically checks for new versions (using Sparkle and WinSparkle)</li> <li>Mac: Appnap automatically disabled</li> </ul> ]]> </description> <enclosure url="" sparkle:version="1.8.0" length="25551480" type="application/octet-stream" /> </item>
The description and features should (probably) be the same for both macOS and Windows, so they can be created once and then copied into both files. The file links and lengths will need to be modified independently.
TODO: Test locally?
Check the appcast files into Github. Then the server can pull them from Github.
Upload the updated files to the Blinkinlabs server.