Our BlockSDK-RUBY Page includes all the documentation related to RUBY SDK. Sample Codes, to Releases. Here are few quick links to get you there faster.
The BLOCKSDK for Ruby is available from RubyGems. should pick the specific BLOCKSDK service gems to install.
gem install blocksdk
gem install httparty
gem install json
blockSDK = BlockSDK.new('YOU TOKEN')
btcClient = blockSDK.createBitcoin()
addressInfo = btcClient.getAddressInfo({
"address" => "18cBEMRxXHqzWWCxZNtU91F5sbUNKhL5PX",
"rawtx" => true,
"reverse" => true,
"offset" => 0,
"limit" => 10
puts addressInfo
wallet = btcClient.createWallet({
"name" : "test"