Blossom Theme inspired wallpapers
This project focuses on creating beautiful wallpapers inspired by the Blossom Theme. The wallpapers are generated using a custom Python script, combining sleek black icons with carefully designed backgrounds to produce visually appealing 1080p desktop wallpapers.
- Language: Python
- Main Libraries:
- Pillow (PIL): For image processing and manipulation
- OS: For file and directory operations
- Functionality:
- Reads all black icons (512x512 pixels) from an input folder
- Processes these icons to create 1080p wallpapers
- Generates wallpapers in batches for efficiency
A dedicated directory for storing the generated wallpapers will be created soon. This will allow for easy access and organization of the created artwork.
- Input Icon Size: 512x512 pixels
- Output Wallpaper Resolution: 1920x1080 pixels (1080p)
- Icon Color: Black (for consistent theme and easy manipulation)
- The script scans the input folder for black icons
- Each icon is then processed and incorporated into a new wallpaper design
- The resulting wallpapers are saved in the designated output directory
- Create Blossom Wallpaper directory
The icons used in this project were carefully curated from reputable sources to ensure quality and consistency. The main source of icons is:
- IconArchive
- A comprehensive resource for high-quality icons
- Offers a wide variety of styles and themes
- Ensures proper licensing for used icons