An AArch64 emulator that simulates the execution of an AArch64 binary file working with a subset of the A64 Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture for AArch64 (the 64-bit execution mode of the ARMv8-A architecture).
This project also includes an AArch64 assembler that translates an AArch64 assembly source file containing A64 instructions into a binary file that can subsequently be executed by the emulator. We also created a simple example program in assembly, led_blink.s which can run on a Raspberry Pi 3B after being translated by our assembler!
Finally, our assembler allows for commenting in assembly files, which isn't usually supported, to grant a slightly more comfortable coding experience in assembly. These use the //
line by line commenting syntax. You can see an example of commented assembly in led_blink-commented.s.
If you like our ARMv8 Emulator and Assembler, why not try... PintOS?