- User Experience ( AJAX )
- Developer Experience ( React, Angular, Vue )
- Offline Experience ( kill the dinosaur )
- Provide Application like user Experience
- Imperative vs Declarative Programming
- monkey patch
- Event loop
- closure
- Coroutine
- hoisting
- generator function
- IIEF ( Immediately-Invoked Function Expression )
- apply, call, bind
- first class ( function, object, component? )
- lexical scope : use environment where function [and variable] is defined <=> dynamic scope http://bestalign.github.io/2015/07/12/Lexical-Scope-and-Dynamic-Scope/
- Iterator, Generator
https://github.com/nhnent/fe.javascript/wiki/October-12---October-16,-2015 - Promise
- Syntactic sugar
- partial, curry
- callback
- prototype, prototype chain
https://medium.com/@bluesh55/javascript-prototype-%EC%9D%B4%ED%95%B4%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-f8e67c286b67 - tag template literals
ex) styled-component - high order function, component
- short-circuit
- debounce
- Single source of truth
- DRY ( Don't repeat yourself )
- Magic Number
- landing page
- Optimistic UI
- milestone
- Single point of failure (SPOF)
- monorepo vs polyrepo
- syntatic sugar
- image sprite
- Progressive Image or Image Optimization
- query language for your API
- Odata(http://www.odata.org/)
- supported client side
- make easy query, mutation, but more better urql
- Rendering Optimzation ( Hastening React SSR with Component Memoization and Templatization )
- Memoization: Component's rendered markup is stored in a cache and used for sub-sequent requests of the exact same component.
- Templatization: Component's rendered markup is templatized and used for sub-sequent requests of the same component with different props.
SSG(Static Site Generation), ISR(Increment Static Regeneration), SSR, CSR(Client Side Rendering), RSC(React Server Component)
- CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) - Redux패턴의 유래가 CQRS에 있다함.
- Codifies patterns
- Proxy and Decorator Patterns
- 구현은 비슷하나 개념은 다르다.
Decorator: 3rd party software, middleware Proxy: Mobx, immer, internet proxy server
Proxy objects are the same in software. You make a call to a resource or service and the call that you make is handled by an object that can figure out how to make the real call, possibly pre-process the results and send any response you need, back to you. - Hijacking a javascript function Pattern
- Registration Pattern
- TCC - Try Confirm Cancel Pattern
- Islands Architecture
- Only throw/Promise.reject Error objects
- Make sure all promise chains have a proper catch
- Code defensively with debugging in mind
bugsnag, rollbar, sentry, raygun, honeybadger, trackjs, airbrake.io
- Freactal - input, toggle등 반복적인 state처리가 필요할 시 provideState로 컨테이너 분리하면 효율적으로 사용할 수 있음.
- Carousel - 말이 필요없는 깔끔한 Carousel
- Radium - CSS in JS. inline style로 모든 CSS를 표현할수 있다. ex) mediaquery, :hover, :active ...
- babel
- grunt