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Modular Cartographer

Modular Cartographer is a Boeing fork of Google's Cartographer to suit factory environments. Cartographer is a real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system for mobile robots.

This repo holds a meta-package based on cartographer-ros

cartographer-ros provides ROS integration for Cartographer. Both cartographer-ros and cartographer have been forked and modified to suit Boeing factory needs. The fork of cartographer is available here.

Changes from upstream

Most of the important changes are in cartographer:

  • Add 2D Submap features
    • Match reflective poles for robust constraint matching
  • Add GlobalICPScanMatcher2D
    • Fast sampling based global constraint finder
    • Significantly faster than FastCorrelativeScanMatcher2D (1s verse 30s)
  • Add ICPScanMatcher2D
    • Fast dense point matcher
    • Allows for significant deviation from local minima
    • Inclusion of 2d features (in addition to points)
    • Match evaluation based on raytracing and hit (of all points, not just subsampled points)
    • Match evaluation based on feature match
  • Optimise PoseExtrapolator for wheeled odometry rather than IMU
    • Achieve perfect maps in sim
    • Resolve issues with rotations / poor local mapping
  • Remove 3d mapping
  • Add heuristics for performant constraint finding
    • Desired number of constraints per submap / trajectory
    • Maximum work queue size
  • RangeDataCollator strategy
    • Use a 'one-of-each' strategy rather than time based
  • Simplify background task managmenet
    • Remove the complex task queue and thread pool, replace with a single background thread

To create a map from CAD, there is an app sdf_to_pbstream that will convert a .sdf (or .world) file into a .pbstream (protobuf stream), which is how Cartographer likes its maps.

How to Build

If you just want to use as-is, run

catkin build modular_cartographer

The CMakeLists.txt is configured to automagically pull, build and link cartographer. cartographer will live in the build directory of cartographer-ros.

If you are a developer and would like to build cartographer manually:

Build protobuf

cd /home/boeing/git
git clone
cd protobuf
git checkout v3.4.1
mkdir build
cd build
ninja install

Build cartographer

  • You need to provide the path to an Abseil tar ABSEIL_TAR_PATH
  • You need to provide the correct version of protobuf on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
cd cartographer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DABSEIL_TAR_PATH=/home/boeing/ros/robotics_ws/src/modular_cartographer/cartographer_ros/dependencies/abseil-cpp-7b46e1d31a6b08b1c6da2a13e7b151a20446fa07.tar.gz -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/boeing/git/protobuf/build/install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=Off
make -j8
make install

Point cartographer_ros to installation of cartographer

Modify cartographer_ros CMakeLists.txt to point to the install path for cartographer CMakeLists.txt.

Above the line



set(CARTOGRAPHER_INSTALL_DIR /home/boeing/ros/cartographer/build/install)

Tuning Cartographer

Cartographer can be quite sensitive to certain parameters. These are configured in .lua files. A set of default configuration files are available in cartographer/configuration_files although a set of configurations dedicated to the project is most likely required.

Upstream cartographer_ros has an excellent guide on how the algorithm works. The general idea is still relevant, but we have made some enhancements.

The main area that needs tuning is constraint finding. Constraint finding is the process of using scan matches to tie submaps together. Constraint finding needs to be finely tuned because you need to be able to find as many constraints as possible without getting any false positives. Constraint finding settings are in map_builder.lua.

The there are two types of constraint finding: local and global. A global search is performed when the robot has no idea where it is. During a global search, many poses are sampled and checked. The number of samples are controlled by num_global_samples_per_sq_m and num_global_rotations. Having too few samples will result in a failed search, but too many samples will slow down the search. These samples are filtered based on a number of criteria. The scan is compared and a number of metrics such as inlier ratio are computed. The thresholds for these metrics may need to be tuned to generate a desired number of proposals.

The proposals are then clustered and then an iterative closest point (ICP) match is run for each cluster origin. The ICP will produce a score as well as some metrics for determining whether the match was good. The metrics and its threshold are critical to filtering out bad constraints. Remember, a bad constraint is worse than no constraint!

The three most useful metrics are:

Raytrace fraction

The raytrace score is calculated by tracing a line from the robot to each laser point. If the line hits an object before reaching the point, it means we are seeing beyond an obstacle, so the point fails the raytrace test. The ratio of bad points can be used to determine if the match was bad. Generally, the raytrace score should be quite high (>0.9) for a good match.

Because laser scanners have noise, we allow a margin of error defined by raytrace_threshold. If a point is within this distance from the obstacle, then we still consider it a pass.

Hit fraction

This measures how many points actually hit an object. This ratio will vary depending on how cluttered the room is and thus may not be very effective in a complex environment. hit_threshold controls the distance between the laser point and an object for it to register as a hit.

Features match count

Features are unique objects in the room such as high-reflective points. They are very effective in removing ambiguity when the room is very symmetric. Features are so effective that if the robot sees many features, we can actually relax the raytrace and hit fraction thresholds. Currently, if we see 3 or more features, we reduce the raytrace and hit fraction required by 0.025. The parameters min_hit_fraction and min_raytrace_fraction are used when we see 2 or fewer features.


Find constraints

test_find_constraint will perform a global constraint search and print pretty debug images that are extremely helpful with tuning. To run this test, you will need:

  • Map in the form of a .pbstream file. Generate this by running sdf_to_pbstream on the .world/.sdf map.
  • robot .urdf
  • Rosbag with the laser data

Create a test folder with the .urdf, .pbstream and the .bag files.

In the same directory, create a new directory called cartographer_debug. This name is important! Cartographer will look for this directory and if it exists, it will save some debug .png in it.

Build cartographer_ros and the test app will be in devel/.private/cartographer_ros/lib/cartographer_ros/test_find_constraint

Run it with something like:

~/catkin_ws/devel/.private/cartographer_ros/lib/cartographer_ros/test_find_constraint --configuration_directory ~/your_project/cartographer_config --pbstream map.pbstream --urdf robot.urdf --rosbag test.bag


Google Inc.

The Boeing Company

Phillip Haeusler (Boeing Fork Author)

William Ko (Boeing Fork Maintainer -

Alexandre Desbiez

Richard Bain

Jason Cochrane


Original Copyright 2020 Google Inc. Changes Copyright 2020 The Boeing Company

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") with the following modification; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:

(Appended as Section 10)

By accepting this software, recipient agrees that the representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities of The Boeing Company set forth in this software, if any, are exclusive and in substitution for all other all other representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities of The Boeing Company. Recipient hereby waives, releases, and renounces all other rights, remedies, and claims (including tortious claims for loss of or damage to property) of recipient against The Boeing Company with respect to this software. The Boeing Company hereby disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness, course of dealing, and usage of trade. The Boeing Company shall have no liability, whether arising in contract (including warranty), tort (whether or not arising from the negligence of The Boeing Company), or otherwise, for any loss of use, revenue, or profit, or for any other unspecified direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages for anything delivered or otherwise provided by The Boeing Company under this software.

You may obtain a copy of the original, unmodified License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Modified Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

To contribute, issue a PR and @brta-mszarski (


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