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ExchangePort documentation & code examples

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ExchangePort is a Java library that provides programmatic access to a multitude of exchanges, using a singular interface. The aim of the library is to lift developer's / quant's burden of doing the infrastructure work and make it possible to focus purely on the trading strategy.

In this documentation we will start exploring ExchangePort, learning how to connect to the exchanges, subscribe to order book and trades data, and how to place / modify / cancel orders.

Get the library now at ExchangePort - Bookmap Marketplace.

How to use the library? See Usage below, and code examples in src/main/java.

ExchangePort logo

All currently available exchanges:

Exchange Method name in ConnectivityClient
Binance Spot binanceSpot
Binance Futures binanceFutures
Bitfinex bitfinex
bitFlyer bitflyer
bitstamp bitstamp
Bittrex bittrex
Bybit bybit
CoinFLEX coinflex
Deribit deribit
FTX ftx
HitBTC hitBtc
Huobi huobi
Kraken Spot krakenSpot
Kraken Futures krakenFutures
Poloniex poloniex



Using Gradle, add your ExchangePort JAR. Also required is org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient.

dependencies {
    // This assumes you have your ExchangePort JAR file in a the `libs` subdirectory.
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

    implementation group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents', name: 'httpclient', version: '4.5.2'


Term Definition
Provider An abstraction representing an exchange (e.g. FTX, Bitstamp), or a subset of an exchange (e.g. Binance Futures, Kraken Spot). Usually we use the term "exchange" and "provider" interchangeably.
Instrument A financial instrument on a certain exchange (e.g. BTCUSD, ETHUSD_PERP).
Symbol Name of the instrument.
Type Type of the instrument. Currently mostly not used.
Exchange Exchange of the instrument. Currently mostly not used.
Alias Extended name of the instrument. Currently, it's mostly equal to Symbol, but it may contain the exchange name in the future.
Subscription A connection to an Instrument. Causes market data (order book, trades) to be received. Enables trading.
Listener A class containing callbacks to receive events from the exchange.
Instrument pip The price granularity, or the smallest allowed price change allowed by the instrument.
Selected pip The pip you select, should be at least Instrument pip. If larger, it aggregates smaller increments.
Instrument size increment The size granularity, or the smallest allowed size change allowed by the instrument.
Selected size increment The size increment you select, should be at least Instrument size increment. If larger, it aggregates the smaller increments.
Price The price of the order/trade, as floating point (e.g. 19,000.00 for BTCUSD).
Price level The Price converted to an integer using the formula: Price / Selected pip (e.g. 1,900,000 if selected pip is 0.01). Used to avoid floating point imprecision.
Size The size of the order/trade, as a floating point (e.g. 3 for BTCUSD).
Size level The Size converted to an integer using the formula: Size / Selected size increment (e.g. 3000 if selected size increment is 0.001). Used to avoid floating point imprecision.
Order duration How long the order will stay in the market (e.g. GTC - good-till-cancel, DAY - today only, IOC immediate-or-cancel, etc.)
Supported features Available functionality supported by the provider/exchange (contains e.g. a list of available order durations, whether it supports OCO, bracket orders, etc.)
Token The string value you use to unlock the library.

Quick start

  1. Construct the ConnectivityClient instance by providing a valid token (gotten on purchase).

    ConnectivityClient client = new ConnectivityClient("YOUR_TOKEN");
  2. Construct the provider you want to connect to.

    Here's are two ways to connect to the FTX exchange.

    // Connect as "read-only", to be able to observe the order book and market trades, but not to place orders.
    Layer1ApiProvider provider = client.ftx();
    // Connect with your FTX keys to be able to place and manipulate your orders, observe positions etc.
    Layer1ApiProvider provider = client.ftx("YOUR_FTX_API_KEY", "YOUR_FTX_API_SECRET");

    Note: In the nomenclature of this library, the class by which you connect to an exchange is called a "provider".

  3. Setup listeners.

    Add your listeners to observe what's going on in the market.

    The market data is received using the data listener.

    provider.addListener(new Layer1ApiDataListener() {
         * Called when a trade happens in the market.
        @Override public void onTrade(String alias, double priceLevel, int sizeLevel, TradeInfo tradeInfo) {}
         * Called when the order book is updated.
        @Override public void onDepth(String alias, boolean isBid, int priceLevel, int sizeLevel) {}
         * Not used in blockchain exchanges.
        @Override public void onMarketMode(String s, MarketMode marketMode) {} 

    Overall connection to the exchange, login status, and any error messages are received using the admin adapter listener.

    provider.addListener(new Layer1ApiAdminAdapter() {
        @Override public void onLoginFailed(LoginFailedReason reason, String message) {}
        @Override public void onLoginSuccessful() {}
        @Override public void onConnectionLost(DisconnectionReason reason, String message) {}
        @Override public void onConnectionRestored() {}
        @Override public void onSystemTextMessage(String message, SystemTextMessageType messageType) {}
        @Override public void onUserMessage(Object data) {}

    Callbacks regarding instrument subscriptions are received using the instrument listener.

    provider.addListener(new Layer1ApiInstrumentListener() {
        @Override public void onInstrumentAdded(String alias, InstrumentInfo instrumentInfo) {}
        @Override public void onInstrumentRemoved(String alias) {}
        @Override public void onInstrumentNotFound(String symbol, String exchange, String type) {}
        @Override public void onInstrumentAlreadySubscribed(String symbol, String exchange, String type) {}
  4. Subscribe to an instrument.

    String symbol = "ETH/USD";
    double pip = 0.01;
    double sizeMultiplier = 1;
    provider.subscribe(new SubscribeInfoCrypto(symbol, null, null, pip, sizeMultiplier));

    Before proceeding, wait for one of the Layer1ApiInstrumentListener method to be called.

  5. Place an order (only if provider was constructed with credentials).

    boolean isBuy = true;
    int size = 1;
    OrderDuration duration = OrderDuration.GTC;
    double limitPrice = 370.0;
    double stopPrice = Double.NaN;
    provider.sendOrder(new SimpleOrderSendParameters(symbol, isBuy, size, duration, limitPrice, stopPrice));

    Note: see below how to setup order listeners, and how to update / cancel orders.

For code examples, see the * files in src/main/java.



The ExchangePort library is asynchronous, meaning that after you call one of the available methods, the responses are mostly received via callbacks.

The high-level overview of the usage of the library is the following:

  1. Construct the ConnectivityClient object using your ExchangePort token by which you authenticate.
  2. Connect to (and optionally authenticate with) one or several exchanges by calling the methods on the ConnectivityClient object.
  3. Subscribe to one or several instruments, to start receiving market data (order book and trades).
  4. Send / update / cancel orders.

What must also be done in addition to the above is the following:

  • Get a list of instruments on an exchange. Different exchanges can use different namings for same instruments. Alternatively, find what the instrument's name directly in the exchange's trading platform.
  • Find out what the minimum supported pip and size increments are of the instrument you are subscribing to. In other words, what are the price granularity and the size granularity).
  • Find out what order types (LMT, MKT) and durations (e.g. good-till-cancel, fill-or-kill) the exchange provides.
  • Setup listeners with which you get information from the exchange (e.g. order book data, your order fills), connection status, and instrument subscription info.

List available instruments

Here we print all the available symbols a provider has, together with the minimum pip and size increment.

When subscribing, you will most likely want to specify the minimum pip and size increment. You do have the option to specify a larger pip and size increment, and the library will consolidate the data.

System.out.println(provider.getSource() + " has these available instruments: ");
System.out.printf("%20s | %20s | %20s%n", "Symbol", "Min pip", "Min size increment");
for (SubscribeInfo instrument : provider.getSupportedFeatures().knownInstruments) {
   // Note: Most providers (but not all) use only symbol to identify an instrument, with the 'exchange' and
   // 'type' fields being empty/null.

   DefaultAndList<Double> pipsInfo = provider.getSupportedFeatures().pipsFunction.apply(instrument);
   double minimumPip = pipsInfo.valueOptions.get(0);

   DefaultAndList<Double> sizeMultiplierInfo = provider.getSupportedFeatures().sizeMultiplierFunction.apply(instrument);
   // Size multiplier is simply an inverse of the size increment.
   double maximumSizeMultiplier = sizeMultiplierInfo.valueOptions.get(0);
   double minimumSizeIncrement = 1 / maximumSizeMultiplier;

   System.out.printf("%20s | %20.8f | %20.8f%n", instrument.symbol, minimumPip, minimumSizeIncrement);

List supported order durations and types

System.out.println("Supported limit order durations: " + provider.getSupportedFeatures().supportedLimitDurations);
System.out.println("Supported stop order durations: " + provider.getSupportedFeatures().supportedStopDurations);
System.out.println("Supported stop order types: " + provider.getSupportedFeatures().supportedStopOrders);

Note: Limit types are always LMT and STP. If the exchange doesn't support market orders, you can still place it, and we will send a limit order with a price 10% above/below the best ask/bid for a buy/sell order.


Data listener

Receive callbacks when the order book changes, or a trade happens.

    new Layer1ApiDataListener() {
        public void onTrade(String alias, double priceLevel, int sizeLevel, TradeInfo tradeInfo) {
            // Whether the trade aggressor is the buyer or the seller.
            boolean isBuy = tradeInfo.isBidAggressor;

            // 'priceLevel' is the actual price divided by your selected pip. For instance, if your pip is 0.1, and
            // the trade happened at price 123.4, the value of the 'priceLevel' variable will be 1234. To convert it
            // to the actual price, multiply it by your pip.
            // Note: The reason that 'priceLevel' is a double, not an integer, is because if your selected pip is
            // larger than the minimum pip, 'priceLevel' is a floating point. For instance, in the example above,
            // if you selected a pip of 10, the 'priceLevel' here would have a value of 12.34.
            double price = priceLevel * mySelectedPip;

           // 'sizeLevel' is the actual size divided by your selected size increment. For instance, if your size
           // increment is 0.1, and the trade's size is size 32.1, the value of the 'sizeLevel' variable will be 321.
           // To convert it to the actual size, multiply it by your size increment.
           double size = sizeLevel * mySelectedSizeIncrement;

        public void onDepth(String alias, boolean isBid, int priceLevel, int sizeLevel) {
            String side = isBid ? "BID" : "ASK";
            // See above the explanations for 'priceLevel' and 'sizeLevel', they apply here as well. The difference is
            // that 'priceLevel' is an integer. This means that if you select a pip that is larger than the minimum,
            // the depth price will be rounded up/down for an ask/bid order.
            double price = priceLevel * mySelectedPip;
            double size = sizeLevel * mySelectedSizeIncrement;

        public void onMarketMode(String alias, MarketMode marketMode) {
            // Not used in blockchain exchanges.

Trading listener

Receive callbacks about your own orders, account status, and balance.

    new Layer1ApiTradingListener() {
        public void onOrderUpdated(OrderInfoUpdate orderInfoUpdate) {
            // Called when your order has been placed/modified/canceled.
            switch (orderInfoUpdate.status) {
                case WORKING: {
                    workingOrders.put(orderInfoUpdate.orderId, orderInfoUpdate);
                case FILLED:
                case CANCELLED: {

        public void onOrderExecuted(ExecutionInfo executionInfo) {
            // Called when an order has been (partially) executed.

        public void onStatus(StatusInfo statusInfo) {
            // Called when instrument status changes in some way - frequency depends on the exchange, but it usually 
            // immediately follows the change taking place.
            // `statusInfo` contains the following data:
            // - alias
            // - instrument's P&L, realized and unrealized (not available with every exchange)
            // - position
            // - average entry price
            // - volume
            // - working number of buys (summed buy order sizes)
            // - working number of sells (summed sell order sizes)

        public void onBalance(BalanceInfo balanceInfo) {
            // Called when the balance changes - frequency depends on the exchange.
            // `balanceInfo` contains the following data:
            // - balance
            // - total P&L, realized and unrealized (not available with every exchange)
            // - currency
            // - rate to base - this is usually the ratio to USD, used to easily sum balances in different currencies

Admin listener

    new Layer1ApiAdminListener() {
        public void onLoginFailed(LoginFailedReason loginFailedReason, String message) {
            // The login has failed.

        public void onLoginSuccessful() {
            // The login has been successful. Connection to the exchange is established.

        public void onConnectionLost(DisconnectionReason disconnectionReason, String message) {
            // Connection to the exchange has been lost. For instance, this is called when your internet goes down,
            // or the exchange API is unavailable.

        public void onConnectionRestored() {
            // The connection to the exchange as been reastablished.

        public void onSystemTextMessage(String message, SystemTextMessageType systemTextMessageType) {
            // This is called when the provider informs the user about something, usually if something goes wrong.

        public void onUserMessage(Object o) {
            // Not used here. This can be ignored.

MBO data listener

Some exchanges provide MBO (market-by-order) order book data, telling you information about all orders, not just price aggregation. Currently, no exchanges in this library support this (since blockchain exchanges don't provide this data) but in the future, when we do have such exchanges, we'll document the listener behavior here.


Here are the methods to manipulate your own orders.

Place a new order

Setting the limit and stop price determines the type. Specifically:

  • If both limit and stop price are Double.NaN, the order will be MKT.
  • If limit is not Double.NaN and stop price is Double.NaN, the order will be LMT.
  • If limit is Double.NaN and stop price is not Double.NaN, the order will be STP.
  • If both limit and stop price are not Double.NaN, the order will be STP_LMT.
    new SimpleOrderSendParameters(
	"BTC-USD",         // The alias.
	true,              // Whether it's a buy (true) or a sell (false) order.
	sizeLevel,         // The size level of the order (size level is equal to size * selectedSizeIncrement)
	OrderDuration.GTC, // The order duration (in this case GTC means good-till-cancel).
	"MY_ORDER_1",      // An ID you can assign to an order. Not all exchanges support this.
	limitPrice,        // The limit price.
	Double.NaN,        // The stop price.
	0,                 // Take profit offset. Used with bracket orders. If set to 0 it is ignored. Not supported by all exchanges.
	0,                 // Stop loss offset. Used with bracket orders. If set to 0 it is ignored. Not supported by all exchanges.
	0,                 // Trailing stop offset. Used with trailing stop orders. If set to 0 it is ignored. Not supported by all exchanges.
	0,                 // Trailing step. Used with trailing stop orders. If set to 0 it is ignored. Not supported by all exchanges.
	false              // If true, allow only reducing the position, not increasing it. Currently not supported.

Modify order's price

    new OrderMoveParameters(
        orderId,      // The order ID.
        Double.NaN,   // The new stop price. Set it to Double.NaN if the order's type is not STP or STP_LMT.
        newLimitPrice // The new limit price. Set it to Double.NaN if the order's type is not LMT or STP_LMT.

Note: order's type cannot be changed. Meaning that, for example, if the order is LMT, you can only change its limit price (the stop price should be, in this case, set to Double.NaN).

Modify order's size

    new OrderResizeParameters(
        orderId, // The order ID.
        newSize  // The new size.

Cancel order

    new OrderCancelParameters(
        orderId // The order ID.


Documentation and code examples for ExchangePort






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