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Download and Run the Game

Borededdy edited this page Mar 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

📲 Download & 📦 Run

In this page of the wiki you can know how to install and run this terminal game, hope you enjoy that!

- Linux

In the terminal type:
g++ battleship.cpp
make sure that you have installed Clang or any C++ Compilator
After that done type:
To launch the executible file.

- MacOS

In the bash terminal install command line tools
xcode-select --install
Then in the terminal type:
g++ battleship.cpp
After that done type:
To launch the executible file or just open that in the folder of the game

- Windows

Download the Windows release (this contains more instructions just for windows :/ )
Go in the game folder and launch the .exe file.

Enjoy the game :)

Schermata 2022-03-26 alle 23 18 05

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