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Steps to Create a TvT

Christian Kelley edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 4 revisions

Now that we have the mission folder set up, now it’s time to actually make the mission! Let’s take a closer look at what we have available to us:

From here you delete the sides you don’t want to use. For example, the following example will be pitting BLUFOR vs INDFOR, so we can delete the civilians and all opfor units. This is easier than adding what you need. You just delete what you don’t want.


Note: "Russian Opfor" is the MSV Template, not exclusively Russian

The image above shows where I think the rough starts for BLUFOR and INDFOR will be. Note that I have not done anything with the groups themselves; they have just been placed where I wanted them to be.

Now let’s start by ‘trimming the fat’ so to say. What assets do you want your teams to have? Each default group starts with a couple of MMG teams, MAT teams, mortars, and more. Let’s see what I did for BLUFOR, who will be attacking.

A): I’ve added trucks for BLUFOR. B): I’ve reduced the standard infantry count from six squads down to three. C): Every weapons team except for MMG has been removed because there isn’t any real threat that would necessitate other weapons teams. D): Only 1st Platoon Leader and his medic + Sergeant are left now, due to the fact that there are not that many forces to require splitting up the leadership. E): These are JIP (Join In Progress) slots for people to join if they come late to the session.

Essentially, this platoon is configured to be effective in a infantry versus infantry engagement. Slots that would most likely never be filled out are removed. Medium Anti-Tank (MAT) teams aren’t needed because they don’t have anything heavy (Like IFVs and Tanks) to shoot at. Things like mortar teams and sniper teams might make it too easy for BLUFOR to pick the defenders off, so they are removed.

And for INDFOR:

A): First platoon leader and his medic. B): Standard infantry squad set-up, no change there. C): Only MMG teams are deployed because there is no need to include any other assets.

Same with INDFOR; the platoon is set up so that it will excel in infantry engagements. Even though the enemy is bringing in vehicles in the form of trucks, they are light enough that the fireteam AT riflemen are able to deal with it.

Alright, how about we make a mission where INDFOR has to protect a town from a BLUFOR attack? Let’s start by picking out a location and dropping the BLUFOR and INDFOR groups within that location. Map Markers allow you to mark objectives, designate borders, and note down any other important landmarks or information.

With a quick glance we can see exactly what will happen in the mission, where we can go, and what the objective is. The red lines indicate where the limit of advance is. The blue arrows pointing towards town show us that this is where BLUFOR is expected to advance. Finally, the marker in the town indicates that it is the objective, and where the enemy will most likely end up being.

From this point you will write up a briefing through EDEN and you're almost there!

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