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This is the repo for the write up for the second Hats Finance CTF -

Link to full write up -

How to run

Using Forge tests

forge install
forge test

Using Hardhat tests

npm install
npx hardhat test

Hats Challenge #2

Capture the Flag

The contract Vault.sol is an ERC4626-like vault customized to be used with ETH. It allows anyone to deposit ETH in the vault and get shares corresponding to the amount deposited. The shares are an ERC20 which can be freely used by users, functioning effectively just like Wrapped ETH. The shares can also be redeemed at any time for the corresponding underlying amount of ETH.

The Hats Challenge

The Vault.sol is deployed with the contract owning 1 ETH of the shares.

Your mission is to capture the flag by emptying the vault, then calling captureTheFlag with an address you control to prove that you have succeeded in completing the challenge, so that vault.flagHolder returns your address.

How to submit

  • Solutions must be submitted through the hats application at
  • You must submit a working demonstration of the solution. This could be, for example, a hardhat project in which you fork the project and provide a script that will obtain the flag.
  • The contract is deployed on rinkeby: . However, if you do not want to give away the solution to your competitors, do not execute anything on-chain :)


My solution for hats finance ctf#2






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