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Prometheus Exporter for padavan metrics. Please do not spare any of your comments or suggestions. You can Discuss them in the Issue, or you can submit a Pull Request directly.


Name Description
padavan_load1 CPU 1min load average.
padavan_load5 CPU 5min load average.
padavan_load15 CPU 15min load average.
node_cpu_seconds_total Seconds the cpus spent in each mode.
node_network_receive_bytes_total Total number of bytes received by the network interface.
node_network_receive_compressed_total Total number of compressed packets received by the network interface.
node_network_receive_errs_total Total number of receive errors detected by the network interface.
node_network_receive_fifo_total Total number of FIFO buffer errors on receive by the network interface.
node_network_receive_frame_total Total number of frame alignment errors received by the network interface.
node_network_receive_multicast_total Total number of multicast packets received by the network interface.
node_network_receive_packets_total Total number of packets received by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_bytes_total Total number of bytes transmitted by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_carrier_total Total number of carrier errors while transmitting by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_colls_total Total number of collisions detected while transmitting by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_compressed_total Total number of compressed packets transmitted by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_drop_total Total number of packets dropped while transmitting by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_errs_total Total number of transmit errors detected by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_fifo_total Total number of FIFO buffer errors on transmit by the network interface.
node_network_transmit_packets_total Total number of packets transmitted by the network interface.
node_memory_buffers_bytes Memory information field Buffers_bytes.
node_memory_cached_bytes Memory information field Cached_bytes.
node_memory_free_bytes Free memory in bytes.
node_memory_total_bytes Total memory in bytes.
node_netstat_Icmp6_InErrors Number of ICMPv6 messages failed to receive due to errors.
node_netstat_Icmp6_InMsgs Number of ICMPv6 messages successfully received.
node_netstat_Icmp6_OutMsgs Number of ICMPv6 messages successfully sent.
node_netstat_Icmp_InErrors Number of ICMP messages failed to receive due to errors.
node_netstat_Icmp_InMsgs Number of ICMP messages successfully received.
node_netstat_Icmp_OutMsgs Number of ICMP messages successfully sent.
node_netstat_Ip6_InOctets Number of incoming octets/packets on IPv6.
node_netstat_Ip6_OutOctets Number of outgoing octets/packets on IPv6.
node_netstat_IpExt_InOctets Number of incoming octets/packets on network interfaces, including IPv4.
node_netstat_IpExt_OutOctets Number of outgoing octets/packets on network interfaces, including IPv4.
node_netstat_Ip_Forwarding Whether IP forwarding is enabled (1) or not (0).
node_netstat_TcpExt_ListenDrops Number of TCP listening queue drops.
node_netstat_TcpExt_ListenOverflows Number of TCP listening queue overflows.
node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesFailed Number of failed TCP connections due to invalid SYN cookies.
node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesRecv Number of received TCP connections with SYN cookies.
node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesSent Number of sent TCP SYN cookies.
node_netstat_TcpExt_TCPTimeouts Number of TCP timeouts.
node_netstat_Tcp_ActiveOpens Number of active TCP connections openings.
node_netstat_Tcp_CurrEstab Number of currently established TCP connections.
node_netstat_Tcp_InErrs Number of incoming TCP segments that contained errors.
node_netstat_Tcp_InSegs Number of received TCP segments.
node_netstat_Tcp_OutRsts Number of TCP segments sent with the RST flag.
node_netstat_Tcp_OutSegs Number of TCP segments sent out.
node_netstat_Tcp_PassiveOpens Number of passive TCP connections openings.
node_netstat_Tcp_RetransSegs Number of retransmitted TCP segments.
node_netstat_Udp6_InDatagrams Number of received UDP6 datagrams.
node_netstat_Udp6_InErrors Number of UDP6 datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
node_netstat_Udp6_NoPorts Number of received UDP6 datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
node_netstat_Udp6_OutDatagrams Number of sent UDP6 datagrams.
node_netstat_Udp6_RcvbufErrors Number of receive buffer errors in UDP6.
node_netstat_Udp6_SndbufErrors Number of send buffer errors in UDP6.
node_netstat_Udp_InDatagrams Number of received UDP datagrams.
node_netstat_Udp_InErrors Number of UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
node_netstat_Udp_NoPorts Number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
node_netstat_Udp_OutDatagrams Number of sent UDP datagrams.
node_netstat_Udp_RcvbufErrors Number of receive buffer errors in UDP.
node_netstat_Udp_SndbufErrors Number of send buffer errors in UDP.


$ ./padavan_exporter --help
  --help                        Show context-sensitive help (also try
                                --help-long and --help-man).
  --web.listen-address=":9100"  Address on which to expose metrics and web
                                Padavan ssh host
                                Padavan ssh username
                                Padavan ssh password
  --debug                       Debug mode


If you want to manager padavan_exporter by systemd, Refer This.

Docker Compose(Recommend)

Of course the best practice is Docker Compose. You can refer to the preset docker-compose.yml.

Grafana dashboard

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Known Issues

  1. When the hardware NAT is enabled, the packet forwarding does not pass through the CPU, and the network speed statistics are inaccurate. If the hardware NAT is turned off, the performance will be degraded.(Reference) ;
  2. Padavan's file system is immutable (TMPFS), so this program is currently running in SSH mode. That is, you need to run this program on other machines and connect to padavan through SSH;


  • Number of devices currently connected.