Discord Rich Presence for Mirage Feathers.
It's a mod built with BepInEx that adds Discord Rich Presence to the game.
Displays the game mode, stage and difficulty.
Install BepInEx 6.
Select the latest artifact and download
(BepInEx Unity (Mono) for Windows (x64) games). -
Open the game at least once after installing BepInEx.
Download the latest release and extract the zip file into the
folder in the Mirage Feathers installation directory.
Just play the game my little PogChamp. The Discord Activity will show up.
The mod will try to reconnect to Discord if it is closed or opened after the game, but preferably open the Discord before the game.
If you wish, you can disable the BepInEx console. Simply open the BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg
file, navigate to [Logging.Console]
section and change Enabled
to false