My Configuration.h and build scripts for building Marlin for my Monoprice Maker Select v2. Does not include the Marlin distro. You'll need to get and unpack that first. - Build Marlin 1.19 and flash it to an ATMega - writes the marlin .hex file to the mega
These files support two platforms:
1) Raspberry Pi connected to an ATMega 2560 and RAMPS 1.4 controlling my Monoprice
Maker Select V2.
2) My Linux desktop connected to a spare ATMega 2560 & RAMPS 1.4 board for
Download Marlin to the RPi and build it there using This works but is slow.
Build Marlin on my Linux desktop using You can optionally attach the testbed ATMega/RAMPS and flash that device. After is complete, use scp to copy the .hex file from the artifacts directory to the RPi. Then use to you know... flash the Mega.
Build Marlin from within the Arduino IDE. Since the IDE doesn't save build artifacts, every time you build is from scratch. Someday they will fix that shortcoming.