This plugin will append a Debug Hyperlink to your Footer on localhost that allows you to see some quick data useful for debugging, including Session Data, User Data, the abs_us_root
and the us_url_root
UserSpice can be downloaded from their website or on GitHub.
- Visit Spice Shaker in your Admin Dashboard
- Search for "Debug Modal"
- Press "Download"
- Press "Checkout/Install"
- Enjoy :)
- Download the Release ZIP
- Upload the Plugin Folder to
- Visit the Plugin Manager
- Press "Install Plugin"
- Enjoy :)
If you have any issues please open an issue here on GitHub. This includes feature requests. If you wish to resolve an issue, you may complete a pull request. Please do not make a pull request for features without opening an issue first.
Pull Requests are expected to be validated with PHP CS Fixer using the following standards. A config file for this is included in the repo.
@PSR2, @Symfony, -phpdoc_annotation_without_dot, -phpdoc_no_alias_tag, -phpdoc_separation, -yoda_style
Any help with UserSpice can be asked in their Discord.